[@VitaVitaAR] thanks for the help, hopefully the backstory and everything is good now~ [hider=Takara, the hundred armed storm] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NP4Itsx.png[/img][/center] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Takara Suzukaze [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 14 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Standing a bit short for [s]his[/s] height, Takara sports long, messy black hair and is often dressed in somewhat baggy, ill fitting clothing. She tries her best not to stand out too much with her clothing, which consequently, sometimes means she stands out [i]too[/i] much. Though, that is fine too. The more unapproachable she looks, the less likely it is she'll be bothered by people. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Takara's personality is like night and day sometimes. In her day to day life, she's quiet, keeps mostly to herself, and generally sometimes as unnoticeable as the trashcan sitting in the corner of a classroom. Not that she's shy, no, she's just a very self involved person and doesn't quite like overly complicated things and spending time with other people. Still, she's fairly pleasant, as long as you don't mind someone who will tell you you're being a dumbass when you are. Especially doesn't like those who try to do more than they're seemingly capable of. As a magical girl life though, one wouldn't be able to even guess that these two would be the same people initially. A good hero needs a secret identity, after all! Loud, rambunctious and very, very eager to prove her worth as a hero like she always wanted even with some conflict of desire with the situation in question. Perhaps a little overeager to fight. While she isn't overly eager to express a more like of girly things when she can be herself, she definitely wouldn't say no if someone invited her along to do...girly things. Or invited her along for a slumber party. Or just hanging out in general. Perhaps this is how she really feels, or perhaps she's just putting on heirs. Maybe she's not entirely certain herself. Has a tendency to announce herself to enemies before engaging in battle. [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] Decently skilled in the kitchen and can play the guitar just somewhat. Otherwise, doesn't have too many notable relevant skills unless you count a vast knowledge of superhero and similar shows. [u][b] Brief Backstory:[/b][/u] Takara was once a fairly average, normal guy with fairly mundane interests. Specifically, music and the more culinary arts. Overall, there was nothing hugely impactful in his life negatively. If anything, he ended up where he is now purely because of a childish sense of justice and wanting to help people. He grew up with a huge love of manga, super sentai shows, super heroes, and spent more than a lot of time as a young kid consuming such media. The fact his father was a higher up in the local police force who, at time time, he considered to be his main role model helped to cement this mentality. Perhaps, one would find it odd he'd be a bit bullied over this. It wasn't anything severe, really, but he had never been particularly strong or athletic. With his somewhat quiet and subdued demeanor, it made him a bit of an easy target. But that, to him, was fine. Better him than someone else who couldn't handle it, right? Even if it hurt a bit. Besides, he had also gained someone he'd consider an inseparable friend who shared many of the same interests, too. It was when he was utterly helpless to help someone, that he realized just how weak and silly his goals were. A fire broke out in the school. It wasn't until later that the body of his best friend, someone who had shared his somewhat fanciful dreams of childish heroism, would be found. Frustration. Anger. Himself being so weak and unable to help. Anyone would be depressed from not being able to help their best friend in such a situation, but it hit Takara particularly hard. For sometime after, he had given up such fanciful dreams, thinking it'd be best to grow up and put all of that behind him. It was when this little fairy showed up. At first, he thought he was merely having some grieving dream or something. He'd say yes without hesitation, not even bothering to get the full details from the fairy. When [b][i][u]She[/u][/i][/b] woke next morning, she didn't even initially see anything was wrong until she went to go take a shower. Needless to say, she was absolutely livid but the fairy merely 'Tee-heed' and flew away after telling Takara of her new responsibilities. She tried to tell her parents, but they seemed to not mind or even register. Seemed like she was the only one that remembered this and now he...she, was a magical girl of all things. On one hand, she could totally beat up bad guys! On the other hand, why was she a girl now!? Grrr, if she ever sees that fairy again, she's getting punted into the sun! [u][b]Magical Girl Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider=Magical Tsun][img]https://i.imgur.com/uGaQ2un.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Concept:[/b][/u] Storms [u][b]Archetype:[/b][/u] Hecatoncheries [u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] Hecatoncheries. The hundred armed and hundred faced giants from myth. Said to possess a myriad of abilities and supernatural abilities. In Takara's case, she has the Concept of storms and possess their abilities relating to it. - Currently, she can manifest up to eight arms of light, able to strike at foes individually and control them as she would her own two arms. They appear as somewhat translucent, ethereal bluish white arms coming from her back. - She can manifest loud reverberating booms of sound, much like thunder claps to both disorient and cause localized pressure waves of pure destruction. Often used by throwing punches at something and having it activate on contact with the target, but it could be used much more wide scale. -While she doesn't have fine control over air currents or wind itself, she can create large air currents and whip up small whirlwinds from her arms and voice. [/hider]