[CENTER][h1][color=00746b][u]Skobeloff[/u][/color][/h1][/CENTER] [color=00746b]"Extra powerful moon magic."[/color] Skobeloff said with a nod and a smile. [color=00746b]"Yes, I can see that coming into play quite nicely. First things first however..."[/color] Skobeloff turned to the door to their cell and walked towards it with a sly grin. Having failed to properly capture and contain the Trickster, Fogdance had given Skobeloff carte blanche to engage in trickery galore at his discretion. Starting with taking advantage of an opportunity that had revealed itself to him as he was nudged into the cell. [hider=OOC] Capitalizing on Fogdance's failure to properly contain him, Skobeloff plays the Long Game. He rolls an 8 and creates an opportunity. The DM will reveal how Skobeloff or an ally can claim it. [/hider]