[center][img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/sDcfxFDozb3bO/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [hider=Toro, the Flaming Kid][CENTER][COLOR=slategray][B]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A L[/B][/COLOR][h1][color=red][b]T O R O[/b][/color][/h1][img]https://i.imgur.com/Zcrc17K.png[/img][h3][sup][sub][color=silver]T O M Á S R A Y M O N D [color=red]♦[/color] S T U D E N T [color=red]♦[/color] W E S T C H E S T E R, N E W Y O R K [color=red]♦[/color] X - M E N[/color][/sub][/sup][/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/Nbo78Qf.png[/img] [/CENTER] [COLOR=red][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [CENTER][sup][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hkmuTvkp_s]"¡Llamas a mi!"[/url][/sup][/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT][color=silver]Toro is a young orphan currently in the care of the Xavier Institute. Born during the Chitauri Invasion, he is among the youngest of the so-called 'New Mutants.' Toro lost his parents a year ago in a house fire that leveled the family's Chula Vista home -- which triggered his mutation and enabled him to survive. While the official report of the incident indicated that the origin of the fire was indeterminate, suspicion over Toro's mutation has laid the blame on the child for their deaths. In terms of powers and abilities, these are unchanged from the original. Toro is a pyrokinetic who generates low-level plasma, manipulates, and controls flames -- both those he creates and those created by other incendiary sources. His typical temperature range is 780° Fahrenheit, but he is capable of output equaling 2,500°F (the melting point of carbon steel). The flames that he produces exhaust a high amount of hydrogen, which makes him buoyant and, thus, able to "fly". He is immune to fire or high temperatures, even if his powers are not active. Finally, he is capable of absorbing fire or flames into his body, but this is more taxing or exhausting for him. Toro's flames can be extinguished by any ordinary means and he requires an adequate environment to generate plasma (oxygen, air pressure, etc). In terms of story, it's a coming of age story that adds the ability to write sidekick to other mutant characters or superheroes, lending itself to collaboration where appropriate or otherwise leaving me to detail the adventures of some young X-Men. Rather than relying on a Rogue's Gallery, the antagonist of the story is likely to take a more slice-of-life approach, where the kids are overcoming challenges, fears, and awkwardness of puberty... while also bursting in flames and other assorted x-gene stories.[/color][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=red][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [INDENT][INDENT][color=silver]Toro speaks English without an accent, but often intermingles his sentences with Caló or Mexican slang. Toro's roommate in the boy's dormitory (and general partner-in-crime) is [url=https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Desmond_Ochoa-Diaz_(Earth-616)][b]Desmond Ochoa-Diaz[/b][/url]. Other notable members of the Middle School class include [url=https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Carter_Ghazikhanian_(Earth-616)]Carter Ghazikhanian[/url], [url=https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Victor_Borkowski_(Earth-616)]Victor Borkowski[/url], [url=https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Abigail_(Mutant)_(Earth-616)]Abigail[/url], and [url=https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Andrea_Margulies_(Earth-616)]Andrea Margulies[/url]. Their primary teacher is [url=https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Anne_Ghazikhanian_(Earth-616)]Anne Ghazikhanian[/url]. "[i]Llamas a mi[/i]" is a catchphrase Toro uses along with the standard "Flame on." This comes from the substitution used for "Flame on" in Spanish language translations of comics featuring Toro, Hammond, or Johnny Storm's respective catchphrases. [indent][i]Interpreted literally, this phrase is "Flames to me."[/i][/indent] In this reimagining, Toro is from Chula Vista, California. He is the son of a Caucasian businessman (Thomas Raymond) and a second-generation Latina immigrant, Mia. As with my previous reinvention of the character, this Toro is intended to be a Hispanic character as a means of explaining why the Spanish nickname. [indent][i]In the original, Toro's parents are Fred and Nora Raymond.[/i][/indent] While this is a reinvention, the concept of Toro being a mutant has existed in the Marvel canon since 1977 (Invaders #22), owing to being a youth when his powers first manifested. [indent][i]This is as much of a retcon as his being an Inhuman in the modern canon -- as Toro's creation pre-dates the creation of the X-Men by 23 years (1940 vs 1963), and the Inhumans by 25 years (1965).[/i][/indent][/color][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=red][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S A M P L E P O S T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][hider] [color=red][h3]The Xavier Institute[/h3][/color][hr][indent][indent][sub]Westchester, New York | Post Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNGmyQ8UbZ8]CLANN [ I Hold You ][/url][/sub][/indent] [color=silver]The tranquil peace of the picturesque, sprawling mansion grounds was shattered by the release of a pack of feral children. Like wild animals, they burst from out of the back of the school in what seemed a cacophony of squeaks, squeals, and chatter that escalated in volume as they romped and rabble raised across the carefully maintained lawn. Part recess. Part physical education. As a pair tweens broke into a game of keep away with a frisbee, the one-on-one boys versus girls game quickly became distinguished by a girl with an elastic body and a boy with frog-like reflexes. Elsewhere, another green-skinned boy walked along the hedges, as squirrels and butterflies seemed to gather around a young animal whisperer. A boy with sandy brown hair seemed to be levitating a trio of pebbles in mid-air, performing aerial tricks that he imagined in his mind and watched play out before the telekinetic's eyes. But the teacher was hovering by a boy who was by himself, as though he were more in detention than at play. His school hoodie lay on the ground by his feet, revealing the black shorty-style bodysuit that hugged his slight frame, while leaving his arms and legs exposed. A large yellow X emblazoned the front of the shimmery fabric, which seemed constructed of some protective material. A fire extinguished rested by her leg, as a precaution. "Deep breaths," the woman advised her younger charge. For his part, the boy seemed almost on the verge of tears. Fear and uncertainty seemed etched into his face as he tried to follow the teacher's advice. Shaking out his arms, as though trying to wring the nervousness from his body, the boy extended his arms out in front of him. The boy's mouth fell agape, a grimace passing across his face before he squeezed his eyes shut and shouted, [b]"Flame on!"[/b] Anxiously, he cracked open one eye. Then just blinked as he looked out and saw his arms still outstretched in front of him. A sigh of relief escaped him, before the teacher spoke up. "That's not it. Try it again." Another deep breath. Then a third. Squeezing his eyes shut, the boy slipped into his mother's tongue as he uttered, [i]"¡Llamas a mi!"[/i] He swallowed anxiously, as he again peeked and found himself relieved to see his arms the same as they had been. Letting his arms drop back by his side, the boy turned his head up at the woman as he gave a shrug. [i]"Ni modo,"[/i] the dark-haired boy offered, forcing the smile. Crossing her arms in front of her chest, Miss Anne tapped one finger against her arm as she seemed to peer down at the young mutant with a healthy dose of skepticism. "I heard you set off the smoke alarms again last night," the woman remarked finally. A flush of embarrassment ran through the boy like a jolt of lightning. Withering under the teacher's look, the boy sheepishly answered, [i]"Si."[/i] A hand came up to his neck, as though trying to massage away a knot of nervous energy. Fidgeting a moment, the boy looked back up to protest, "But, I don't know how to make it... flame up." Hand gestures tried to capture the essence of flames before Toro let his arms fall back by his side again. Another shrug. "It... It just does it. Like, on its own. Sometimes." Uncrossing her arms, the woman's hand dripped into the pocket of the trousers that she wore. A moment later, she came up with a brightly colored Bic lighter. As soon as he realized what she was holding, the boy took a step backward without even realizing it. "What if we try giving it a spark?" Miss Anne offered, as her thumb brushed over the side of the lighter. [i]"No, gracias,"[/i] the boy stammered hastily, holding up his arms as he waved both emphatically, as the woman brought her thumb down on the lighter a third time. He felt the spark. [i]"Oh shit."[/i] The words left him breathless as he felt the fire ignite. A tiny flame in the woman's hand, flickering with the wind. A moment later, the flame shot upward as though injected with a surplus of fuel. Against the wind, the thin column seemed to arc as though trying to reach toward the boy. And, as Toro looked down at his hands, he saw the heat distortion starting to radiate from them. "No..." the boy uttered, taking another step back away from the lighter. Then another. But it was too late. He could feel the fire starting to spread. Yellowish wisps. Kisses of flame started to trickle up his fingers. "No. No. No. No. No," the boy repeated, like a mantra, over and over, as though trying to will it all away.[/color][/indent][/hider] [COLOR=red][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P O S T C A T A L O G:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [INDENT][INDENT][i]tbd[/i][/indent][/indent][/hider]