[I][Center][B]Nightrunner's Applications[/B][/Center][/I] [CENTER][B]Pending...[/B][/CENTER] None [CENTER][B]Approved[/B][/CENTER] [Hider=Robin][B]One Universe: Marvel/DC RPG Season 1 Character Sheet[/B] [B]Player Name:[/B] Nightrunner [B]Character:[/B] Richard John Grayson, AKA Robin [B]Power and Abilities:[/B] Dick is very athletic. Since childhood he's taken dance lessons, yoga, and been on gymnastics teams. He has a gifted intellect, though he is not particularly inclined towards electronics or detection. On the other hand, his strength is in problem solving. Like Bruce, in combat Dick will resort to the use of limited gadgetry. Often his tools are improvised if he is trapped, like a violin turned into a crossbow. He keeps things such as tape, paper clips, bleach, baking soda, pop-its, tissue paper, bandages, and pain killers on hand. He has been trained, to a certain extent, in the use of a staff by Bruce. However, he uses billy clubs and brass knuckles to give himself a close range edge against opponents. [B]Affiliation (Justice League, HAMMER, X-Men, etc):[/B] Batman & Robin. [B]Alignment (Good/Evil/Walking the Line):[/B] Good [B]Character Notes (Anything you would like to expand on [Established Rogues, NPCs, etc]):[/B] [B]Allies:[/B] •Alfred Pennyworth: Bruce's assistant who helps with Dick's training. •Batman/Bruce Wayne: Dick's mentor as Robin, something of a benefactor, as well as senior partner in crime fighting. As portrayed by Byrd, and not me. •Detective John Grayson: Dick's father who works for the GCPD in the Homicide Unit. •Oracle: A hacker who'd uncovered Batman's secret identity by hacking WayneTech's citywide network. She often feeds Dick information through various outlets. And she has a knowledge of his activity as Robin. •Spider-Man: A fellow teen hero based over in the NYC. [B]Background and Story So Far:[/B] On December 21 1996, Dick Grayson came into the world. His father was Detective John Grayson, member of the GCPD's homicide unit in the Gotham City Police Department. And his mother was a former kissogram. At an early age, Dick wanted to work at the circus, but the only one accepting new members had a mutant prejudiced against normal humans running it. After he turned eight, Dick wanted to be a police officer like his father. And, though being a policeman never stopped being his dream job, the reasons why shifted from time to time. All the way 'til his Junior year in High School, his parents had Dick take gymnastics lessons and be on the dance teams. He was often teased for it by the other guys in school, until he floored his bullies with a spin-kick. After that, he was shown a decent amount of respect, not to say he was altogether excluded from schoolyard injustice. In his Junior year, Dick was assigned a research project for his Social Studies project. The topics varied from the legality of aliases to punishment of the undying. He was assigned to research possible motivations of The Dark Knight himself. His father, who'd recently been assigned to the Anti-Batman Squad, actually was quite helpful when he assisted Dick in collecting a small archive of information of the known actions of Batman on his computer. He took a look at the style of movements he used and reported methodology. Then he analyzed all known quotes. After thinking hard he narrowed down the identity of Batman to about ten people, all of which he was going to include in his presentation, and his number one suspect was Bruce Wayne. A few days later, Dick was sitting in his desk when he noticed an Email notification on his phone. The sender was 'Oracle', a person who'd claimed she'd uncovered the identity of The Dark Knight. After agreeing to meet with the 'Oracle' after school that day, Dick went to a park where he found a flash drive. The previous owner was not evident. When Dick opened the flash drive on his phone, a message played with a CGI face explaining that Batman was Bruce Wayne and that she had contacted him because of his evident honesty and decency. She trusted Dick to not reveal Bruce's identity, but instead assist the Dark Knight in continuing his actions and diverting suspicion away from him. Some would say stupidly, Dick went to Bruce's residence to talk to him about his nocturnal ventures. Though Bruce was offset, he realized that he could turn the evident leak of secrecy into a major benefit as it was agreed that Dick could help Bruce directly. So in a short period of time, Dick was outfitted with an outfit similar to Bruce's own with a few distinctions. His was red with a hood instead of a full face mask, because Bruce didn't trust his entire network in the hands of a happy-go-lucky sixteen year old. Also, Dick purchased a motorcycle that Bruce assisted him in customizing with some of the revenue from WayneTech. Dick, when he told his parents that he was on a school field trip, went to New York with Batman. It was there that he helped apprehend The Man-Bat with Spider-Man, whom he developed a bit of a friendship with. Afterwards they parted ways, not seeing one another for quite some time. Back in Gotham, Dick has decided to investigate a case on his own. Specifically, the robbery of Gotham's Museum of Fine Art. Witnesses report having seen mass destruction, but forensic evidence contradicts eaxh of their testimonies. [B]Sample Post (At least 3 well thought out paragraphs as well as some dialogue):[/B] [B]Gotham City, New Jersey[/B] "Com'on man. Play-times over. Come on out." A gruff sounding man said. "Where are you?" He gulped, "Jimmy?" Creeping around the small convenience store, I watched him. "Chassis? Ramon? Anyone?" he said, desparate for someone to answer. "You said anyone, right." I quipped, tapping him on the shoulder. "Gah!" he screamed and spun around, looking me in the face. His expression flashed from shock to fear, like a caged animal as he reached for his sidearm. But I was quicker to the draw, more accurately, quicker to the punch. He did tug his pistol out of his pants, but as soon as he looked back up, his rising face was met by my ramming fist. "So what've we learned about robbing General Stores?" As he fell back, losing his footing, I couldn't help but keep talking. It just came over me like I was impelled. When I'm in costume, I don't have to worry about combing my hair or brushing my teeth. I just feel free, and everything I do just flows. The enemy on the other hand, this is their job. So thwy try to look tough and act scary. Some of them are very, very good at being scary. Others.. "Whoa!" The thug screamed as he tripped over a rack that was laid across the floor. I watched as he fell backwards and waved his hands forward, in a frantic scramble for balance. But a quick few steps towards him diminished all of his will to stand tall. So he crashed down on the hard flooring. His skull bounced off the tile a few rimes before he slowly turned hjs gaze towards me. "Cleanup on aisle four!" I yelled before I literally stooped to his level and pounded my armored fist into his face. Lights out. [B]Roster Picture:[/B] [IMG] http://fastangel.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/arkham-origins-robin.jpg[/IMG][/Hider] [CENTER][B]DENIED[/B][/CENTER] [HIDER=Batman][B]One Universe: Marvel/DC RPG Season 1 Character Sheet[/B] [B]Player Name:[/b] Nightrunner [B]Character:[/B] Bruce Anthony Wayne [B]Power and Abilities:[/B] Bruce, as usual, has no superpowers. But he is fabulously wealthy, impeccably fit, highly intelligent, is a skilled hunter, a brilliant strategist, trained in ninjutsu, and knowledgable of ninja magic. He owns a plethora of vehicles such as a modified Stryker that is adapted to an urban environment or a jet capable of breaking the speed of sound. He owns a vast collection of gadgets that each have a distinct purpose ranging anywhere from distracting to breaking and entering to combat. His suit is fireproof, stab resistant, bullet resistant, insulated against electricity, capable of maintaining homeostasis so he can be at a comfortable temperature anywhere on Earth, and has a commlink system that allows Bruce to overhear any conversation he wants to as well as send any message he needs. One difference in this costume though, is that his mouth is not visible. He breathes through several vents in the front of his mask. In case of unsafe breathing conditions, the vents will shut and an auxiliary air supply will feed him oxygen for up to ten hours. [B]Affiliation (Justice League, HAMMER, X-Men, etc):[/B] The Justice League [B]Alignment (Good/Evil/Walking the Line):[/B] Good [B]Character Notes (Anything you would like to expand on [Established Rogues, NPCs, etc]):[/B] There is no place to put this thought of mine, so here comes my explanation: Many people believe that Batman is and works best as a lone wolf. I thoroughly disagree. The modern Batman benefits from and perhaps even seeks out deep familial relationships. For example, Dick Grayson was adopted and trained as Robin to fight crime using similar means to that of Bats himself. In a way, it's like passing the torch from father to son. That much is fairly obvious. But is it really possible for a lone-wolf or someone whose only concern is his son to have so many sidekicks he deeply cares for? He wouldn't have mourned the death of Jason Todd for years if he didn't care for people. But I may not be being specific enough to prove my point. Batman --> Robin. Batman -->Spoiler. Batman --> Batgirl. What is the relationship here? They're not all male. They're not all of a certain appearance. What they share is the fact that they're troubled youths. As a boy, Bruce lost his parents. My theory is that he became Batman to seek vengeance. But he also grew into the role to use his alias of Batman to better the lives of everyone. To protect parents and families, and to prevent his fate from ever happening to any child again. But, to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs. So he ended up teaching the children he'd decided to care for to protect everyone, while he focused on making Gotham a safe place to raise a child. That's a long-winded way of me saying I plan to include lots of youths in my stories, and have my Batman focus on the repurcussions of his actions and their perception. Also, place emphasis on his goal, which is often forgotten once his origin is completed, to prevent any child from sharing his fate. [B]Allies:[/B] ▪Alfred Pennyworth ▪Dick Grayson ▪James Gordon ▪Katherine Pride ▪Hugo Strange ▪Lucious Fox ▪Matt Murdock: Known only as Daredevil ▪Peter Parker: Known as Spider-Man only. ▪Superman [B]Enemies:[/B] ▪Anarky ▪Black Mask ▪The Joker ▪Man-Bat ▪Mr.Freeze ▪The Scarecrow & Mr.Fear You can expect more of Batman's unrealistic enemies to appear with me than with, say, a Nolan-style fanfic. At this point, I feel the gritty Batman is a bit too mainstream, has been overdone, and wastes a lot of Bat-characters. [B]Background and Story So Far:[/B] Raised in the countryside just within the Gotham City countryside, Bruce Wayne was born into Gotham's wealthiest family. His parents, Thomas Wayne, owner and founder of Wayne Industries, and Martha Wayne, formerly Martha Arkham, gave him more love than a child could want. He had friends such as Roman Sionis, Tommy Elliot, Oswald Cobblepot, Rached Dawes, and Theresa Pride. They were all very different, Tommy was a bit cynical, Roman was irritable, Oswald was spoiled, Rachel was overly generous, and Theresa was stuck up. One day, while only Rachel and Bruce were playing in the garden of Wayne Manor, Bruce fell through a hole that had been boarded up previously. He crashed fifteen feet down into a small cave full of bats, that all swarmed around him. But in the darkness, he saw one fly to him, unlike the others that were scrambling rabidly. He saw the bat, and saw its terrible wings spread before him, and he felt afraid, before he fell unconscious. After he awoke, he was in his bed, like it had never happened. His parents certainly never mentioned it. Life continued in the Wayne family for some time. Bruce was six years old when he was informed that his mother was pregnant. The baby was named Thomas Wayne Jr., but unfortunately, it was believed that he never survived birth. Growing up a bit, at the ripe old age of eight, he and his parents went to the theater to watch an opera, and after it was over, Bruce and his parents left out the backway, to avoid any unwanted attention. But, they were met by a man named Joe Chill, who mugged the city's richest people, shot them, and killed them in front of their own son. While the murderer got away, Bruce wanted his parents to wake up, but they never did. It was shortly after this that Bruce was adopted by the family's butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Wayne Industries was taken over by the board of directors until Bruce became of age. But for years, Alfred cared deeply for Bruce, raising him like a son. And throughout most of his younger years, Bruce looked at Alfred as a father. But one day, when he was seventeen, Bruce looked out onto his city from the top of Wayne Tower, the base of operations for Wayne Industries, and looked out the windows, seeing all the filth that had come since his parents' death. It was then that he silently decided to leave Gotham, so that when he returned, he could make it something respectable once more. His first stop was in Asia, where he hunted down legends of a city of monks. He actually discovered it, but he was not allowed to enter because when he was asked why he wanted to be trained, he responded "Vengeance. " Then, he traveled away from there and ended up finding a ninja clan's hideouts. There, he was trained by The Hand, who welcomed him into the fold, teaching him the skills of a ninja, though Bruce preferred to avoid use of magic, and teaching him to instill fear in his enemies, however, Bruce refused to perform the lethal attacks on common criminals, so an attempt was made to have him killed for betraying the Hand. Following that, Bruce traveled far away to Africa, where he learned from one of the world's foremost huntsmen, Sergei Kravinoff. He learned until Kraven decided that there was nothing left to teach him. Then, Bruce shipped off to Egypt, where he trained with a team of mercenaries led by Raoul Bushman, but due to Bushman's savage behavior, he left and encouraged others to do so as well. After spending seven years traveling the world, a twenty-four year old Bruce wayne returned home. Bruce arrived on a flight in Bludhaven and then walked all the way to his manor. Alfred was shocked to see that Bruce was still alive, and he saw that he was now much more muscular. Then, Bruce was shocked when Alfred told him a secret: Theresa Pride's daughter was fourteen years old, and was discovered to be a mutant. Theresa freaked out, calling the police when she discovered that her daughter could become completely intangible. Her daughter, Katherine 'Kitty' Pride, ran away before the police ever arrived though. Alfred spotted Kitty sprinting through the fields, but rather than turn her in, he offered to shelter her and hide her from the investigators. She complied, and ever since she'd been living with Alfred. In the meantime, Theresa had been apearing on public talk ahows and became a 'classic case' of how destructive mutations are to families. Bruce was then gently introduced to Kitty, Alfred explained how he'd treated Bruce as a son for years before her. Bruce saw the terror in the young girl's eyes as she pleaded for him not to turn her in. So Bruce agreed, but didn't stop there. He promised that he wouldn't allow any harm to come to her, or any other mutant children, or any child in Gotham. From that moment forward, he decided that he would not allow any children to come to harm. Bruce set out that night, eager to put his newlyfound skills to good use. He found a brothel where a group of underage prostitutes were known to 'operate', some unwillingly. He found the pimp and told him to let all the girls an go. The pimp refused, so Bruce forcefully threw him to the ground and then barked at him. However, things turned badly for Bruce when the prostitutes turned on him and attempted to beat him savagely. He narrowly escaped when the multitude of women closed in on him. But, when he did return to the manor, he realized something. In order to make a big difference, he would have to be something more than a man, someone who could not be beaten by hookers. He realized that the best way to make everyone to remember his example, was to become a symbol, something immortal, something primal that cannot be bartered with. He begged his consciousness rhetorically for a proper symbol. He began to remember his father's garden, when all of the sudden a gigantic black bat shattered the glass window of Bruce's study. Bruce was petrified, but then he realized what his symbol would be. [B]"Yes Father, I shall become a bat."[/B] He began sketching costume designs and designing what he would include in his arsenal. He gave the designs and lists to Alfred, who was a bit hesitant to create a Bat-costume and an aresnal for any reason. But he located close designs of all the gadgetry that Bruce had listed, it was at Wayne Industries So Bruce went there and managed to recieve what he needed from his father's old friend, Lucious Fox, the head of Wayne Industries' R&D Department, who was also surprised to see that Bruce was alive. After Bruce described the items he was looking for, Lucious retrieved them graciously, though suspiciously. Less than a week later, Bruce planned to return to the public. He attended Haley's Circus, and the ringmaster, Mr.Haley, agreed to show him off. The crowd of Gotham was thrilled to see that the cities' prince had returned. For the next several days, Bruce began to attend the circus regularly, keeping an eye on the spectacular acrobatics of The Flying Graysons, a family who had a skill on level with Cirque De Soleil. All until The Grayson family, sans the thirteen year old Richard Grayson, was killed by a mobster named Tony Zucco, who publicly made a speech about how accidents often happened. The police arrived shortly too late, because Zucco had escaped. Realizing that this was exactly the kind of heinous crimes he'd sworn to fight against, Bruce returned to Wayne Manor, where he then entered a place of operations he'd established in the cave system below his home. He took a suit of armor that had been specially aesthetically redesigned to pay homage to a bat, and a plethora of other tools with him, and rode out on a dark military-grade modified stryker. He followed up on many leads and followed a trail of destruction until he uncovered where Tony Zucco had gone. However, he did not hastily rush into battle. Though the police hadn't known where he was, Bruce kept an eye on him until he was ready to create a dramatic debut. That night, Bruce snuck into Tony's safehouse, where he was playing agame of cards with his lackeys. They heard something on the roof. When Zucco heard, he ordered one of his men to go examine it. But before his lackey could leave the room, the ceiling exploded. Zucco screamed, crying 'What is That?" Bruce dropped down in costume and whispered [B]"Vengeance"[/B] before smashing his fist across Zucco's chin, knocking him out cold. The thugs panicked, running away, desparately trying to escape, but then they were all either wrapped up suddenly, grappled towards him, or struck without ever seeing him. The last one to be conscious cried, "Who are you?" Bruce responded, "I am Batman. And I'm going to make you a deal. You leave here and you tell everyone you know. From now on, none of you is safe! Anyone who commits a crime is now personally responsible to me." After that, Bruce let the criminal go. Zucco was arrested, and the witnesses described some sort of monstrous Bat-Man hybrid as their assailant. In the following months, Bruce slowly built a legend surrounding Batman. He used various tricks he'd learned with The hand to suggest he was something more than human. He'd allow criminals to believe they'd escaped, only to use his skills as a hunter to meet them at their destination. He used paramilitary tactics and explosives to defeat gangs of armed thugs. After months of varying tactics in his war against crime, he'd established countless urban legends that had the criminal underworld confused and frightened, the media was going insane with speculation, and others questioned the existance of The Batman. James Gordon in particular came very close to uncovering the man behind the bat. He was only thrown off when Bruce had Alfred dress as Batman in public view while Bruce ate dinner with Gordon, discussing the morality of the Batman. When speculation turned towards the insanely muscular billionaire Bruce Wayne, he began to look for a solution. He asked Alfred for a way to divert suspicion. And Alfred delivered, suggesting he always have an alibi befitting a billionaire: Date supermodels, drive fast cars, and host parties, following the footsteps of fellow billionaires Oliver Queen & Tony Stark. On a more private level, he helped Alfred raise Kitty, establishing an alias for her as Katherine Pennyworth and registering her in Gotham High, instead of the private school she had attended. And, Bruce decided to adopt the orphaned son of the Graysons, because he was reminded so much of his own childhood between losing his famous parents, having nowhere to go, and losing a seemingly secure future. He also registered Dick in school, and introduced him to Kitty as Alfred's daughter. Over the following months, he was excruciatingly busy between his life as Batman, raising Dick and Kitty, being a playboy billionaire, and keeping all three lives separate. But one day, after watching Bruce come home late one night, Dick noticed how Bruce's body was riddled with scars and bruises. So he asked Bruce why he was so horribly injured, Bruce told him it was a golfing accident. But Dick noticed that the injuries didn't look like sports injuries, they looked like the bruises of a UFC fighter. Between thinking about the media's speculation and the active nightlife 'Mr.Wayne' lead, Dick inferred that the true cause of his injuries was his outings as The Dark Knight. Dick casually brought up his realization at breakfast with Bruce in front of Kitty and Alfred. Alfred attempted to disprove Dick's theory, but was stopped by Bruce who lauded Dick's attempt to find the truth, and confirmed it, then he made the two youths promise to not reveal his secret, before he shrugged it off and kept eating. Dick then asked that he be allowed to act as his partner, which Bruce quickly denied. But Kitty loved the idea of working alongside Batman, so she designed costumes for her and Dick and put them together with spare materials she had from her Home Ec class. Still keeping her true identity and her mutation a secret from Dick, she told him that they should try being vigilantes on their own, at least until Bruce saw their potential. After a disastrous couple of nights, Kitty and Dick were out on the Gotham streets, busting up a small group of thugs, when Kitty was grabbed from behind and momentarily held hostage as a warning for them to back off. But then, Kitty reluctantly utilized her mutant powers to slip out of the criminal's grasp and then, while he was distracted, suckerpunch him. All the other criminals started backing away, whispering about the "Mutie Freaks" that were nothin' but trouble. Dick was surprised too, but he noticed a look on their faces shift when they decided they were going to kill Kitty because of her mutation. So he grabbed her and took off running, dragging her along before she started sprinting too. The criminals tailed them until they were cornered. Kitty knew she could escape, but Dick couldn't. So she stayed by his side. The violent lot closed in around them, with murder in their eyes, until a shadowy form was cast from the sky. Batman landed in front of them and defeated all of them to protect the two youths, after a minute, Dick and Kitty joined in too. When they got home, Bruce agreed to train them, but only if they agreed to go out exclusively under his supervision, and they complied. From that day forward, for about two months, he spent an hour training them at once, and another twenty minutes individually. Then they graduated to actually being taken out on patrol every night, but not in the Home Ec costumes Kitty'd put together. Bruce obtained a set of armor the same grade as his own for each of them, then allowed them both to add their own aesthetic touches with Alfred's guidance. Bruce also assigned them codenames. Dick, because of his red and yellow color choice and acrobatic history was named Robin, after the American Robin. But Kitty chose the name Shadowcat, because she thought it sounded more mysterious and feminine. But then a crime spree began that necessitated that the Batman work alone once more. A series of related murders across the city kept occurring, with the only similarity being the appearance of the victims. The victims countenances were all contorted into exaggerated smiles and their faces were pale. And they all had variations of a single playing card in their pocket: The Joker. Batman dedicated all his time to studying the cases, scouring the files for any kind of connection, and he could only find one: They lived in Gotham. So after following the trail for weeks, Bruce was surprised when a man dressed as a clown appeared on TV, saying he was The Joker and claiming responsibility for the people's deaths. Also fornevery five minutes that passed without The Bat appearing, a bomb woukd go off at a Gotham landmark. In the background of the video feed, his men started wasting hostages, and the Joker said it would only stop if a certain flying Rat-Man actually stopped him. Bruce saw that in the background, ay the very ends of the lines, there were lots of young children. So, reluctantly, Bruce suited up and snuck into the studio, defeated all of his men, and then battled the Joker on public TV. The Joker and all his henchmen were arrested, The Joker himself was sent to Arkham Asylum for The Criminally Insane. While he was in New York for a business trip, Batman came across a martial artist named Daredevil, who was investigating a series of cases in which the victims were poisoned by a fear-inducing agent that flooded their nervous system. Batman developed an antidote for the poison, administered it to all the victims, and assisted The Man Without Fear in facing down fear itself. Personally, they both relived their parents deaths before taking their rage out on the pair of criminals responsible. Mr.Fear, a New Yorker, was sent to the Ravencroft Institute, while The Scarecrow, a Gothamite, was sent to Arkham. Batman then joined with a newly formed organization, The Justice League, in order to put an end to the war between Kahndaq and Latveria. He helped strategize against the more directly powerful foes on the battlefield with the listening ear of Thor, who got along with Bruce surprisingly well. In the meantime, tales of Batman's existance began to flourish, and in New York, many locals believed that there was a copycat vigilante. So Batman went back to New York, taking Robin with him, where he Investigated their Bat-Man. When they arrived, they met Spider-Man, who Robin befriended, while Batman wasn't particularly fond of working with because of his comedic disposition. Research within an Oscorp facility indicated that the NY Bat-Man was the result of genetic tampering. So, as a trio, the three heroes defeated Man-Bat before Batman and Robin headed back to Gotham. However, before they left, Batman recommended that Spider-Man see Daredevil in order to refine his combat skills. Back in Gotham, Batman and Shadowcat hunted down a jewel thief, who'd nearly emptied out Gotham's Jewel Exchange. The thief had freezed all of the victims in blocks of ice that were laced with a chemical agent that prevented his frozen victims from dying from the cold. However, after finding his lair at an Ice Cream factory, Shadowcat defeated 'Mr.Freeze' by following Batman's field orders and sprinting through all the ice he blasted at her. As of late, murder of common street thugs have been on the rise. Rapists, thieves, murderers, and junkies are all dropping dead like flies in Gotham's undrbelly. The only obvious connection is that they've all committed crimes. [B]Sample Post (At least 3 well thought out paragraphs as well as some dialogue):[/B] [B]The Zoo, Gotham City, New Jersey 10:30 PM[/B] "Aauugh!" A lot of people tend to belive that life isn't black and white. They've convinced themselves that a moral gray area exists. But it doesn't. Being morally gray is a failure to accept responsibility for your actions. Part of what you do may be black, another part may be white, but morals don't mix. It's more like oil and water than paint. Even when people say that oip and water mix, they don't. The oil and the water just surround and confuse the other. That's what I am. Surrounded and confused. Every way I look, I can't help but see another way to die. I'm at a fork in the road. To my left is Kraven the Hunter. To my right is Bane. And all the way down the path I'm currently on, is a dead end with the tigers. In the last year or so, I've gotten used to cooperation to meet my ends. I'm not quite used to dealing with teams of skilled operatives though. My time with The Hand taught me to take on multiple opponents at once, and Kraven himself taught me how to stand against a pack. But fortunately for me, Bane and Kraven aren't here together. They just both happen to be hunting me. "Mommy! Mommy!" "Stay up there, sweety. Mommy's going to be just fine." I stopped running away from my two pursuers. Then I looked over into the crocodile habitat. A mother stuck her little boy up in a short tree away from the savage reptile below. But the mother was still down with the beast. Kraven released all the animals in the zoo from their habitats in order to lure me here. The crocodiles didn't all want to leave though. This is a very real danger for that mother. But as for why Bane is here, I don't have the slightest clue. I looked over at Kraven, who'd nearly caught up to me. He's only one hundred and fifty feet back at most. At worst, I don't want to think about that right know. So I looked over into the pit with the reptiles, and then I dove in. I spashed into the murky green water and heard some sloshing. The green creatures were rising below me. So I quickly swam away, rushing at the small patch of land where the mother and son were. Using my grapnel, I quickly made a line and tossed it to the mother, who gratefully smiled before rushing up to her child, about ten feet high. The reason everything seems black and white to little kids, like the one in the tree, is because it is. Children look closely enough to see that your parents should mean as much to you as your own life. Children are innocent enough to hope that someone will help them out of everything. It's when you stop looking so closely and stop allowing yourself to see the little people, when you take things out of focus that you stop being able to tell what is black and what's white. When you become too engrossed with a big picture, that's when you lose sight of the little things, the important things. Looking at this boy, I know what I have to do. With all the crocodiles, the world's greatest hunter, and Bane closing in, I'll be fine. I can handle myself. I'm not just a man. I'm a legend. I am vengeance. I am the night. I am Batman. [B]Roster Picture:[/B] [Img] http://rs228.pbsrc.com/albums/ee52/badguy101proof/batman.jpg~320x480[/Img][/Hider] [Hider=Daredevil][B]Player Name:[/B] Nightrunner [B]Character:[/B] Matt Murdock, Daredevil, Ibn al Ghul [B]Power and Abilities:[/B] He was trained since birth in the arts of combat, intimidation, deception, politics, social justice, manipulation, strategy, medicine, technology, the sciences, psychology, and more. He is in peak human physical condition, has been taught to maximize use of his senses, and continues to train himself whenever possible. He is skilled with most weaponry, if not at least familiar, sans firearms, which he and his family tend to shy away from. [B]Affiliation (Justice League, HAMMER, X-Men, etc):[/B] [INDENT] Formerly [B]The League of Shadows[/B][/INDENT] [B]Alignment (Good/Evil/Walking the Line):[/B] Good [B]Character Notes (Anything you would like to expand on [Established Rogues, NPCs, etc]):[/B] [INDENT][B]Allies:[/B] [B]-Ben Urich:[/B] An investigative journalist highly regarded for his audacity and eye-opening exposures. [B]-Michael Lane:[/B] A Police Officer who is honest and effective in his efforts. Lane is highly respected, even by the underbelly of the NYC. [B]Family:[/B] [B]-Ra's Al Ghul[/B] [B]-Talia Al Ghul[/B] [B]Rogues:[/B] [B]-Gladiator:[/B] A former costume designer who'd designed a suit of armor outfitted with homemade weaponry that he used to take out his anger on his childhood bullies. [B]-Kingpin:[/B] The NYC's biggest crime lord who is nearly untouchable from a legal standpoint. His organization has extremely powerful connections and resources that rival that of Ra's Al Ghul. [B]-Typhoid Mary:[/B] A former actress who suffers from a multiple personality disorder. One of which is very friendly, the other is just cynical, and the third is psychotic and seems to have a 'crush' on DD. [B]Students:[/B] [B]-Jason Todd:[/B] A boy who'd been homeless in the cruel streets of the NYC living as a thief after he'd been trained in the Himilayas by a secret culture of ninjas. [B]-Raymond Connor:[/B] A homeless urchin who lost his father and his sight in an accident. DD recognizes that he is an adept, meaning he can accomplish anything he sets out to do. [B]-Spider-Man[/B][/INDENT] [B]Background and Story So Far:[/B] Ra's Al Ghul was a centuries old warlord who'd founded an organization he called The League of Shadows. He'd made a great deal of progress throughout the years and had been one of the planet's greatest influences ever. His early life was largely a mystery, however it is known that he'd managed to keep himself alive through the use of pools he referred to as 'Lazarus Pits'. In the last three-hundred years he's been looking for a worthy heir, a son that could carry his legacy. Due to his very specific requirements, he's found no one suitable yet. Then he had two children to raise, twins. One of the twins he'd named Talia, the other was called Ibn Al Ghul, because Ra's fully intended to train the boy to become his successor. For years, both Ibn and Talia were trained extensively both personally by Ra's and by the entire League of Shadows. Upon his fifteenth birthday, Ra's decided to graduate Ibn to an active status within the League. His initiation ceremony involved Ibn stepping into an arena, surrounded by the League, which would then attempt to kill him. Ibn survived, proving his worth to his father. His first trip was to Rome, where he was intended to take the life of the pope. However, he hesitated after finding his way into a Catholic Church and hearing a description of people like himself in a light that can only be described as Devilish. So, upon failing to take a life, Ibn Al Ghul was rejected by his father and was regarded as an enemy of the entire League of Shadows. Because attempting to fight off a legion of the world's foremost assassins wouldn't likely end well, Ibn relocated to New York City, where he doubted he could be found amongst the general population. It was here that he saw firsthand the corrupted world that his father wanted to reform. Fron corrupted lawyers to judges to everything that the city seemed to deem holy. He decided he would bring it to it's knees, not as an angel for it's cause, but as a devil. After all, it was in his blood. Inspired by the various superheroes of the world, he crafted a disguise for himself, a striking red outfit that had a devilish appearance and would certainly scare the people into behaving. He became known as the Daredevil, eventually adopting the name himself and attaching the letters 'DD' to his chest. Using his fists and a knack for uncovering the truth, the Daredevil began to tear apart the city's underbelly. He forged an alliance with investigative journalist Ben Urich from the Daily Bugle and NYPD officer Michael Lane in order to create a system that could find crime, reveal it, and snuff it out. Over the course of his crusade, he's adopted something of an alias as Matt Murdock, a blind lawyer who'd allegedly been born in Hell's Kitchen. He uses this to cause legal movements that he could not as Daredevil. Also, he's encountered many 'supervillains' that have attempted to kill him or simply make his vigilante activity inconvenient. He'd built up such a reputation, that several young martial aryists had sought him out for mentorship and guidance, including Spider-Man, recommended by the infamous Bat-Man of Gotham. Two of his students dwell with him (Jason Todd & Ray Connor), while the other contacts him through a cell-phone number (Spider-Man). [B]Sample Post (At least 3 well thought out paragraphs as well as some dialogue):[/B] --- [CENTER][B]DAREDEVIL: THE TRINITY[/B][/CENTER] --- [I]"Good Morning, America. Today we'll be diverging from your regularly administered dosage of mainstream propaganda in favor of a more enlightening topic."[/I] All over the nation, American citizens tuned in to see the face of a sage looking man preparing to give a self-sanctimonious speech that would be more likely to destroy the existing order of things than anything else. [I]"First off, let us begin by recognizing a classic truth. There always has been a rule of three. Be it your government branches, your primary colors, or the beings you aspire to be like."[/I] I could only grimace at the thought of my father installing a new world order based on his virtues: Strength, Wisdom, and Determination. He feels anyone lacking in any of these areas is of no value, that the majority of the population is flawed because of it's lack of natural selection. The disturbing truth is how right he is. [I]"I've identified three separate beings who each modern messiahs to the majority of you sheep following their reckless example. Let me make examples of Superman, Batman, and Captain America.[/I] In front of the screen, Jason and Ray looked at each other as they realized who was speaking. I nodded to confirm the truth. [I]"Superman and the ever aimlessly patriotic Captain America lack the correct view of the world. Batman and the Captain lack the power. And Batman and Superman lack the legal backing. Let me tell you all something."[/I] "Don't," I whispered, clenching my teeth as I awaited him to do something terrible. My father stared down the screen as he prepared to finalize his victory speech. [I]"I have everything they all lack, except the weakness towards doing what is necessary. Let's see if you think they're so heroic when you hear the truly terrible acts of Captain America, or hear the weak and ineffective disguise of your alien savior, or uncover the deception behind the Batman."[/I] [B]Roster Picture:[/B] [IMG]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/2/22749/489281-daredevil100.jpg[/IMG][/Hider]