[quote=@VeyrinDay] Like the idea, but how's this supposed to be done? [/quote] That! is a good question and tbh I didn't notice this get responded to till now. I gotta make some "ui" or places we can designate our characters posts and have things that can be interacted with. Maybe there can be a lil avatar game in the screen to for our players. I suppose most the doing is going to be done with our posts under a label displaying whats being interacted with; chatroom(1,2,3,ect),Avatar-game, add-ons. So posting is like being done however from your side with your character or substitute, but these characters wont ever meet as far as we know. Whatever this screen we are interacting with will start as a basic medium and later perhaps effect our characters how ever interesting and godlike they could be. I'll try making some fun images later to compliment the rp also. Any suggestions on this abstract and weird rp?