[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3ua3YY5.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][indent]Saika was fairly preoccupied trying to figure out the logistics of a family tree of shark people, and while she had quickly determined that it would make sense if Murasame’s sister was a shark, like he was, it would also be [i]much, much funnier[/i] if she was only part-shark instead. Optimally she would have a hammerhead, but there was a case to be made for flipper-arms as well. She’d gone to school with a girl who’d had a giant otter’s tail for hair, and watching her slap the shit out of people with it had been endlessly entertaining. Before she could think too deeply about it, Murasame stopped. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected panic would sound like coming from someone who looked like a shark, but as soon as he started speaking again she knew that’s what it was. “[color=red]Huh?[/color]” she asked, looking around first, and then down at herself. Why wouldn’t she be alright? Had she stepped on something? Had she been stabbed on her first day in a big city, like everyone from small towns said would happen? Was she— Bleeding. Shit, [i]oops[/i]. “[color=red]Oh woah, no no man, that’s my bad,[/color]” she said, waving him down. People were starting to look at them—or, rather, at the giant shark having a moment—and she wasn’t super into that. “[color=red]Just part of my quirk. I make a lot of blood.[/color]” She dug her tongue back, found a little metallic patch at the back of her throat, and spat it onto her hand. She held it out to him like it was some cool bug she’d found in the grass. “[color=red]See? Like nothin’. Gotta drain some of it now and then or it starts comin’ outta my fuckin’ eyes.[/color]” Rubbing her hands together, the blood sparked to life and burned away in a quick flash between her palms. As she shook the embers away, she spotted the golden ditches of a small WcDenji's across the street, and her stomach grumbled. “[color=red]Oi, hey, pretty hungry now that I think about it. Wanna grab something?[/color]” she asked, but had already started for the crosswalk. “[color=red]If Ishin’s food is anything like their uniforms, it’ll blow ass. Might be the last decent meal we get for a while.[/color]”[/indent]