Slowly, the girl's eyes flickered open. At least, it started slow at first; a couple of seconds later, said eyes suddenly shot open wide, her head rapidly turning from left to right and back. Where was she now?! Without thinking, she pushed herself away from the arms that were holding here, then started to run away. "Lily, wait!", Jonathan called out to the running girl. Hhe was so surprised when Lily had opened her eyes that, when the girl started to run away, he couldn't react fast enough to stop her. "Please, wait!" [i]Is she back to normal? Or... is she even farther gone? [/i] Unexpectedly, the girl actually stopped and spun around, then dashed right back at the man she was running away from seconds earlier. "Daddy!," she cried, practically leaping into Jonathan's arms. "Lily!," Jonathan exclaimed, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to him. "Oh, Lily..." "Daddy? Where... What's going on?," the girl questioned. "Where are we?" "It's okay...," Jonathan answered, avoiding the question subconciously. At the moment, he was far too glad that his daughter was back to normal again to think about anything else. ...No. She wasn't back to normal yet. Lily was back, but she was still stuck in the wrong body. Still, he needed this. He needed this short moment. Who knew when she would... ------------- "Living... things?," Simon answered unsurely. "I... guess that part of them would become real too? What do you mean, though?" Although he wasn't exactly sure whether or not the extra information would help him at all, it couldn't hurt to ask either. Before the newcomer could answer, though, the young girl that up until now seemed to be unconcious suddenly got up and ran away from the man who was holding her... after which she stopped, turned around on the spot and ran right back to him? [i]What was that all about?[ Meh, whatever, at least she's okay./I] Sort of confused about the whole thing, Simon scratched the back of his head. "...I guess she's okay now?," he muttered, unsure about what exactly to say.