[GM Post] Yvonne had no idea when did Chowder retrieved his horse, but there he came riding it into the throng of confused mercenaries. There's just one problem though - it was not a trained warhorse. The explosion earlier must've already startled it somewhat fierce, and then it's directed toward a bunch of screaming people and pointy object. As a result? It bucked the rider off and took off into the night. That embarassing little hiccup aside, the man's skill was the real deal. He dodged, deflected, and parried with ease even against increasing number, occupying enough of them that Yvonne didn't see much trouble going in. No one's getting killed either, surprisingly. Maybe mass murder could still be avoided. Swatting a young lad's spear out of his grasp, Yvonne shoved the little obstacle aside before entering the barn. Fire had started to spread now, unnaturally so. There's likely pitch or oil involved for it to be this bad. Thankfully Matilda wasn't hard to locate, laying on her back not far off from the center. That... didn't look good. The armor had prevented the worst damage to vital parts, but some of the weaker points and the joints was savaged by shrapnel. Not to mention that she's practically next to the source of the explosion. Compared to open wounds, shockwave injuries were silent and insidious. If someone's shanked in the gut at least it's clear what's the damage was, but ain't no telling if there's internal bleeding somewhere before suddenly the victim dropped dead. [b][color=#a4161a]"Shit. Come on, big girl. Ain't time for a dirt nap yet."[/color][/b] Lifting the orc was out of question, but Yvonne tested the cuirass and found it still holding together just fine so she grabbed and pulled it by the back of the neck. Keeping her stance low, the mercenary coughed as she moved as fast as she could out of the burning building. There were other bodies in there. Possibly other survivors, too. But she's not in any position to play the hero. One step after the other. Soon enough the burnt acrid air was replaced with cool night wind, and that's one danger out of. Still not all safe, though. Mercs were grouping up and organizing. Some of them stood in her way, and Yvonne's still too close to the burning barn for comfort. She reeeeally didn't feel like talking right now. Her free hand twitched closer to the mace's handle. Can she kill them? Let's kill them, yeah? Not far away was a group trying to corner Chowder. Non-lethal takedown was good and all, but proven to be quite difficult to do when they're covering for each other. It'll take some time to get it resolved... or an intervention from someone else.