[hider=Himani | WITCH ] [color=E8F631][CENTER][h2][img]https://i.imgur.com/jdjht3w.png[/img][/h2][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QvVJOcc.png[/img] [color=gray][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [center][/center] [center][sub][color=#E8F631]Himani Chakrabarti[/color] [color=#E8F631]|[/color] "I have a crush on a girl but I'm not sure what that means because I just think my crush is pretty but, like, everyone at this place is pretty except for me so a crush doesn't mean anything, right? It could mean nothing. Or anything. Or everything. I'm pretty sure my crush doesn't even know who I am or that I exist but it's okay because I know she does and...oh, we're done talking? Thanks for listening! Nailed it" [color=#E8F631]|[/color] [color=#E8F631] E8F631[/color] [color=#E8F631]|[/color] Witch [color=#E8F631]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#E8F631]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#E8F631]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#E8F631]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#E8F631]✧[/color] ✧ [color=#E8F631]✧[/color] ✧ 21 [color=#E8F631]|[/color] Female [color=#E8F631]|[/color] 5'5" [color=#E8F631]|[/color] Third year [color=#E8F631]▿[/color] ▵ [color=#E8F631]▿[/color] ▵ [color=E8F631]▿[/color] ▵ [color=E8F631]▿[/color] ▵ [color=E8F631]▿[/color] ▵ [color=#E8F631]▿[/color] ▵ ☀ Sociable | Outdoorsy | Inquisitive | Meticulous | Excitable ☁ Diffident | Self-Conscious | Overeager | Wordy [color=#E8F631]▿[/color] ▵ [color=#E8F631]▿[/color] ▵ [color=#E8F631]▿[/color] ▵ [color=#E8F631]▿[/color] ▵ [color=#E8F631]▿[/color] ▵ [color=#E8F631]▿[/color] ▵ [/sub] [hider=▿ ▵ ▿ ▵] [sub][COLOR=E8F631][i] [sub][b][color=#E8F631]LIKES[/color][/b][/sub] History, specifically world history. History in general, of cultures and especially civilizations. Stuff like myths and ruins. Archeology, in another word. | Museums. She'd make for a good museum guide assuming tours wouldn't mind a guide who talked for 10 minutes nonstop at every exhibit. | Journaling. It comes with the job. She has boxes of filled journals at home and in her dorm room. She is rarely seen without a notebook. | Omelets. It's the only way she'll eat eggs. | Abandoned buildings. They always have history! [sub][b][color=#E8F631]DISLIKES[/color][/b][/sub] Escape rooms. They're overly obtuse and not very intuitive. | Beverages that are too cold, she does not much care for milkshakes because it's just slightly soft ice cream but with milk poured into it. It's like what children do. | Ketchup. Enough said. | People that stick gum under tables. Also when you step on gum. | People who wear shoes inside the house [/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider][/center] [CENTER] [/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rFkGDaD.png[/img][/center] [/cell][cell][sub][b][color=#E8F631] s k í l l s & w є α k n є s s є s [/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=E8F631]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=E8F631] [sub][b][color=#E8F631]STRENGTHS[/color][/b][/sub] [sub]Himani has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of historical facts and cultural tidbits. It's a pretty good party trick but it also stems from her love of history and of stories. Her two best classes at Hawthorne are History and Archeology. She is fascinated by older things, which is why she tends to like the vampires (the ones who aren't annoyed by her, anyway) because they have lived lives that mortals like her can only dream of. It might be hard to tell from looking at her, but Himani is quite experienced with 'roughing it' and has a love of outdoor activities like rock climbing, camping, hiking, and picnics. It stems from her 'off-season' activities. In-between semesters, especially in the longer break periods, Himani goes to a different country or monument and explores. She's been to archeological sites and spelunked and raided tombs. Not really raided but explored. It was all above board. Every new semester she tries to share photos of her trip, but most people don't want to hear her go on and on. But she loves it. She might not seem like a typical magical or supernatural being since her best subjects are the ones that seem to have the least to do with magical business or supernatural interests, but rest assured Himani is a wizard when it comes to charms and spells having to do with her elemental affinity of earth. She is quite a natural when it comes to protection charms. [/sub] [sub][b][color=#E8F631]WEAKNESSES[/color][/b][/sub] [sub]Himani's greatest weakness is her lack of confidence. She doesn't feel like she belongs where she is and her own issues, particularly with her appearance, tend to keep her from realizing her own strengths. To her, being surrounded by people who are all so 'next level' when it comes to their appearance and ability only keeps her feeling like she is unattractive by comparison. She thinks her 'thick, bushy brows' and her slight overbite are what keeps her from being like the others. In a way, her readiness to accept what she thinks are flaws is a confidence all her own; she doesn't let her perceived imperfections hold her back from trying to socialize, but she does use those 'imperfections' as a reason as to why she seems to not belong to any real social circle. Himani doesn't quite know how to say "No" because she wants always to seem useful and helpful. The downside is this tends to have her bite off way more than she can chew and, in some cases, have people take advantage of her. She has stayed up all night doing history homework for half the class before at the cost of her own grade on an assignment. It's not that she doesn't have a backbone, it's just that she is desperate for people to like her which stems from her self confidence issues. Despite her knowledge of cultures and mythologies and history, when it comes to the more earthly pursuits of the supernatural, such as herbology and alchemy, Himani struggles. She still tries hard, but if a cauldron melts or explodes in class, chances are it's because of Himani. She has gone to the nurse's office a record number of times in her second year including a rather infamous incident where her skin turned yellow and her hair a sickly green. It could've been worse. It could've been like the time she almost drank an accidentally made poison in her first year. She wants to get better, though, if only for a well rounded education. [/sub][/color] [sub][b][color=#E8F631]OUTLOOK / IDEALS / PERSPECTIVE [/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=E8F631]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub]Himani is a fan of the vampire students from a purely educational perspective. She will often try and partner up with them on assignments and probe them for any information about things from before her time. She is fairly certain they all find her annoying, except for Hyoon who Himani acts as sort of a secretary-slash-gopher for, but that never stops her from trying to sit with them at lunch and them all moving to a different table. The werewolves she has no strong feelings towards. She likes their whole community and family vibe and respects their boundaries enough to not try to butt in on that. She's not one of them, she doesn't want to appropriate their werewolf culture stuff. But if she were to ever ask any students to join her on a hike or something, it'd be a werewolf. They just seem less likely to complain. Her fellow witches and wizards are who she often compares herself to, in addition to the vampires. Some of the upperclassmen all seem so perfect and together and magical and Himani can't help but to be intimidated, inspired, and afraid she'll never measure up to them. She admires them. She wants to be like them, but being a great witch seems so far out of her wheelhouse. She can't even fix her eyebrows or her stupid overbite, how could she ever be like them? How could they ever even notice her?[/sub] [sub][b][color=#E8F631]AMBITIONS[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=E8F631]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][color=#E8F631] ➽[/color]➽[color=#E8F631]➽[/color] Himani wants to be a great witch. But she also thinks she might like to be a teacher. But her more immediate ambition is to work up the confidence to talk to her crush. And then friends. [/sub] [sub][b][color=#E8F631]FEARS[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=E8F631]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][color=#E8F631] ➽[/color]➽[color=#E8F631]➽[/color] Himani's biggest fear is that she will never truly find her 'place' in life. Her interests seem so 'pedestrian' to some of her peers and she doesn't feel that she measures up to the more supernatural and magical sorts around her. She feels like she's trying hard but to no avail, and if she stopped and thought about it for too long it would destroy her. So she doesn't.[/sub] [sub][b] [color=#E8F631]в í σ g r α p h ч[/color] [/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=E8F631]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [hider=▿ ▵ ▿ ▵][color=E8F631] Himani Chakrabarti, and yes she introduces herself with her full name every time, doesn't come from a noble magical family but she does come from a [i]large[/i] one. The Chakrabarti's have their origins in Bangladesh but in more recent times they have settled in Europe - something which makes some of the older Chakrabarti children laugh in the sense of "We left the British Raj but wound up in Britain anyway." which seemed a lot less funny to the older generation. But children rarely cared about the experiences of their elders. Every Chakrabarti has magic in them and every Chakrabarti has gone through the Academy system for as long as it has existed. Himani has looked into the origins of her family, but it's difficult to get the full picture as many of them are long since passed. Her father, like her grandfather before him, runs the Chakrabarti Cafeteria, one of the prime spots for supernatural sorts. They're known for their curries as well as their cakes and chai teas but more to the point they enforce a strict neutral territory policy on the premises. Vampires and werewolves are forbidden from starting things as long as they're in the Cafeteria and for those wayward supernaturals who are unable to pay or are newly overwhelmed, they offer sheltering services but her father often says "We're not a charity" even as he lets those with nowhere else to go stay a while, free of charge. It's because of this upbringing that Himani was able to grow a fascination with various cultures and histories, because some of the vampires had lived for three, four, five hundred years and that was fascinating to her. Himani's older sister is in magical law enforcement while her older brother is a famous cricket player. Naturally she has a lot to live up to given their successes and since her younger brother is being charmed into taking over the family business, it leaves Himani at a weird spot where she isn't quite sure what her future holds even though she is technically an adult. Her aunt, who runs a perfumery, has told Himani that it's okay to not have her life figured out, but Himani can tell - or so she thinks - that her family talks about her and what a disappointment she might turn into. They seem to support her regular trips to various ruins and historical sites, being the ones to give her the funds to travel. All they ask in return is that she stay safe and never forget who she is. The problem is that Himani Chakrabarti doesn't quite know who she is at all. Maybe she'll figure it out. [/color][/hider] [/cell][/row][/table][/color][/hider]