[@BangoSkank] I'm going to rule out you playing as an antagonistic group, as the way I intend for the story to go it would only make sense for players to be Avengers. However, Wolverine would work, as I think that is who you played in the last iteration of this. As for Captain America, Steve Rogers is not playable as he is busy being a central NPC and running the Avengers organization. But you could play a different Captain America like Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, or even someone else who would make sense taking up the mantle. Or if you want a Cap like character there is the Young Avenger known as [url=https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Elijah_Bradley_(Earth-616)]Patriot[/url], or his uncle [url=https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Josiah_al_hajj_Saddiq_(Earth-616)]Josiah X[/url]. There's also radical Cap in the form of [url=https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Jonathan_Walker_(Earth-616)]U.S.Agent[/url], or there's even a Russian Cap called [url=https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Alexi_Shostakov_(Earth-616)]the Red Guardian[/url]. That's just some suggestions off the top of my head, hopefully they help in some way. [b]Everyone Else:[/b] I'm going to make a discord server, however I am going to be busy until Monday so it won't be created till then.