[hider=Lawrence F. Goode][hr][center][color=6c2d94][h1]Law[/h1][/color][color=6c2d94][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/3a/f4/f1/3af4f1049b687a4ef6ca4439b290ff4e.jpg[/img][h3]"Chaos is the aftermath of true artistry."[/h3][/color][/center][hr] [b][u][color=6c2d94]Full name:[/color][/u][/b] Lawrence Fuller Goode ♂ [b][u][color=6c2d94]Age:[/color][/u][/b] 18 [b][u][color=6c2d94]Favorite Colors:[/color][/u][/b] Gold & Indigo [b][u][color=6c2d94]Favorite Subjects:[/color][/u][/b] Art & Music [b][u][color=6c2d94]Favorite Teacher:[/color][/u][/b] None [b][u][color=6c2d94]Appearance:[/color][/u][/b] Lawrence lacked any jewelry, piercings, or tattoos on his slender and fit body. Yet he was often mistaken for a spoiled rich kid anyway, whenever he put on the elaborate and paint-stained clothing that his auntie had sewn for him. Rarely not wearing the various bright and bold colors that helped him stand out in a crowd at 5 foot 9. But unlike certain poisonous creatures that did the exact same thing; his soft golden eyes and carefree smile made him look harmless enough to approach. Usually spotted while running alongside his motley crew, in and out of restricted areas and dead-end alleyways. Not-so-stealthy carrying around some of his art equipment, in the same leather bag that held onto his Pokeballs and other travel provisions. Thus, it seemed like Law was always on the move, and enjoying whatever he was up to… [b][u][color=6c2d94]Personality:[/color][/u][/b] Lawrence had always been adventurous and high-spirited enough to make up for being an only child. But he was cursed with a boundless creativity, and teenage compulsion to rebel against authority figures in his life. Having the tendency to be disruptive towards others in pursuit of his own goals and interests. Law tends to be too freethinking and intuitive for his own good; which can cause him to behave like a toxic person. Having no issue with badmouthing and lying to those he opposes, and outright stealing from adults who have wronged him. So it wasn’t out of the ordinary for Law to be by his lonesome. Developing a variety of skills for his relatively young age. Yet the runaway remained optimistic and ambitious to a fault. Even when most of his relationships couldn’t be any more strained. Since he had a genuine appreciation and care for his second family—his Pokemon team and the aunt who was incredibly tolerant of their collective shenanigans. Giving him reasons to work on his flaws of insecurity and lack of trust toward strangers. So he could become the greatest trainer, artist and coin collector in the whole Paldea region. Though Law still had a long journey ahead of him—and even now—he can’t seem to help but encourage his troublemaking companions. After all, “Chaos is the aftermath of true artistry”, or so he says… [b][u][color=6c2d94]Backstory:[/color][/u][/b] Lawrence was adopted into the Goode family at a very young age. Now having a last name that had garnered a certain negative reputation over the years⁠. In that most of them were thought to be a bunch of cheats, charlatans and legal crooks. Considered cursed to be the fresh apple of such a rotten family tree, that had a whole forest's worth of stories written about them in the papers. But whether he liked them or not; Lawrence learned plenty about his parent’s previous generations and their poisonous deeds. Perhaps more so than many kids knew about their own closest relatives. But even worse still, he’d be told absolutely nothing about his real birth parents, or the details of his adoption, until the day that he had already decided to run away from their house somewhere in the Paldea Region. Though when his parents had already moved at least a half dozen times in his first twelve years; Lawrence never really had a permanent place that he called ‘home’. Meaning that he had barely any good memories worth reciting in those days. Instead, growing up around a wide assortment of Pokémon and professional liars. Helping his father manage his surprisingly successful traveling Pokémon circus business. With the staff members teaching young Lawrence how to work, use tools, paint sets, cook food, and clean up after himself. Spending his early childhood without much strict parental guidance from his actual legal guardians. Often learning to do most things himself, and playing with the Pokémon performers whenever he wanted attention. Not that his mother didn’t try to spoil Lawrence with hugs and kisses⁠—or by singing at his bedside until he fell asleep. She just happened to be busy running her “timeshare cruise line”, and preferred being the one who always said “yes” to Lawrence’s wants. In contrast to his stricter father, who had someone in the family homeschool him—an aunt who'd do it for free—because he ironically had zero trust in the public school system. However, this ill-advised freedom of his, had eventually led Lawrence to befriending a small group of street hooligans in his preteens. Soon getting himself into frequent trouble with them and committing petty crimes; like stealing something without getting caught. A particular rite of passage in his so-called circle of fellow delinquents. His first instance being the very Pokéball that he used to capture his Toxel with. A chance encounter, turned kindred spirit, who seemed to like everything about him. Happening to be the one to discover her on his way back from the crime; where he’d find her sneaking into his father’s circus tent, in order to search for some food. Lucky enough to avoid any serious consequences in the meantime. But his continued poor decisions had escalated into many more fights with his disapproving father. To the point where he threatened to release and confiscate the Toxel for his business. Finally provoking Lawrence to become a runaway at the ripe old age of fourteen. With nothing but his Toxel, and whatever else he could fit into his backpack. But his troubles were only just beginning at that point… [b][u][color=6c2d94]Pokemon:[/color][/u][/b] [hider=Law's Team (Starter First)] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fr1M4VR.png[/img][/center][hr][b][u][color=6c2d94]Pokémon:[/color][/u][/b] Toxtricity [b][u][color=6c2d94]Nickname:[/color][/u][/b] Melodic ♀ [b][u][color=6c2d94]Personality:[/color][/u][/b] Loud and proud of it. Melodic's behavior is very dependent on whether she likes you or not. Showing off two sides that might give others tonal whiplash, with how swiftly and aggressively her mood can swing. Though she's also a creature of habit and tends to react predictably in most circumstances. Charmed by the docile tones of rock and metal, and easily irritated when you try to discourage her incredible musical talent. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1QZSrxlAU8](Personal Theme)[/url] [b][u][color=6c2d94]Ability:[/color][/u][/b] Punk Rock (Boosts power of sound-based moves and reduces sound-based damage.) [b][u][color=6c2d94]Moves:[/color][/u][/b] [List][*]Overdrive [*]Screech [*]Poison Jab [*]Payback [/list][hr] [center][img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/2SEZpqGi86vOkSGsVXPnLozM4RclFlCFCFELAILW774/rs:fit:900:900:1/g:ce/aHR0cDovL2ZjMDIu/ZGV2aWFudGFydC5u/ZXQvZnM3MC9pLzIw/MTIvMjI3LzUvNy9o/YXVudGVyX2J5X2pp/bmdsZXNyYXNjby1k/NWI1ZHFoLnBuZw [/img][/center][hr][b][u][color=6c2d94]Pokémon:[/color][/u][/b] Haunter [b][u][color=6c2d94]Nickname:[/color][/u][/b] Smiles ♂ [b][u][color=6c2d94]Personality:[/color][/u][/b] Smiles might be the friendliest spirit that you'll ever meet. If you can handle a few lighthearted pranks and scares at your expense, that is. Enjoying humor and others laughter, and always having a good time with his trainer. He is the easiest to get along with, and least likely to mean you any real harm. Just don't get on his bad side and remind him that he's a ghost... [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7ORVVLb1uQ](Personal Theme)[/url] [b][u][color=6c2d94]Ability:[/color][/u][/b] Levitate (Ground-type moves have no effect.) [b][u][color=6c2d94]Moves:[/color][/u][/b] [List][*] Acid Spray [*] Curse [*] Hypnosis [*] Confuse Ray [/list][hr] [center][img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/HwLfPmwimuscva61zC2Ts8zFXpewDJmW-84fRBhPpu8/rs:fit:742:800:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnBp/bmltZy5jb20vb3Jp/Z2luYWxzL2NjL2Y5/LzI4L2NjZjkyODQw/YzcwMzNkZDc2Y2Ey/ZDUzMTFiMjc4MzBj/LnBuZw[/img][/center][hr][b][u][color=6c2d94]Pokémon:[/color][/u][/b] Salandit [b][u][color=6c2d94]Nickname:[/color][/u][/b] Cherub ♂ [b][u][color=6c2d94]Personality:[/color][/u][/b] Cherub is anything but an angel. More like a little firebrand, who is full of energy and has a penchant for taking other people's shiny things. Though you couldn't accuse him of going after easy targets. For he is fearless and eager to fight much bigger foes—even if he still won't play fair to win. Since he was burdensome enough to be abandoned once by another human already. It was a miracle that he seemed to grow fond of his trainer and big siblings as quickly as he did. Perhaps, it was all the tasty food that warmed his tiny gluttonous heart. [i][b]Certainly beats living in the dumpster he was found in...[/b][/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFjAkGSGgvw](Personal Theme)[/url] [b][u][color=6c2d94]Ability:[/color][/u][/b] Corrosion (Able to poison any type.) [b][u][color=6c2d94]Moves:[/color][/u][/b] [List][*] Ember [*] Poison Fang [*] Sweet Scent [*] Thief [/list][hr] [/hider] [b][u][color=6c2d94]Quirks:[/color][/u][/b] [List][*] Enjoys every genre of music. [i][b]Yes, even those ones.[/b][/i] [*] Prefers the taste of sweet and salty foods. [*] His interest in coin collection was actually started last year by Cherub offering him gifts. [*] His father and him aren't on speaking terms. But he'll call his Mom every now and then. [*] He's ambidextrous. Favoring his right and left hand for different circumstances. [*] Sleeps like a log. But he's a real bad snorer. [/list] [b][u][color=6c2d94]Theme:[/color][/u][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMbbA1tgzy8]"The Wolves" - JJ And The Pillars[/url] [b][u][color=6c2d94]Relationships:[/color][/u][/b] (Nobody met thus far…) [/hider]