[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GjazZAE.png[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][hr][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]EARTH 257 - 8:40 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Odinskeep, New Asgard[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] Klara had teleported them all to the Palace - outside of it, at least. It was complete chaos. The sky was full with Doombots, creatures of silver armor draped in green cloaks, all shouting [i]"I AM DOOM!"[/i] at varying intervals. Each time one was destroyed, the air shimmered green and two more arose to take its place. Those with magical training would recognize that the Doombots were enchanted to replicate upon destruction - meaning the more Doombots were destroyed, the more they would be overrun... The host of Asgard were locked in combat, almost overwhelmed by the buzzing droids. Unseen to mortal eyes, the Valkyrie were ferrying the souls of Asgard's dead from the battlefield. No one was challenging Luminous and Doom - no one that could be seen. Sif's magic though had prevented Klara from teleporting them [i]inside[/i] the Palace - the same thing likely that was forcing Luminous and Doom to fling their magic repeatedly at the doors without leaving a single scratch, all in their desperate attempt to get inside and steal the Nexus being. [color=FFB795]"Why does it feel like there's more of them?!"[/color] Amelia shouted, flying up in the air. She was using her powers to through Doombots into each other, and she had grabbed a sword from a fallen Asgardian warrior, using it to destroy any Doombots that got too close. But no matter what she did, more of them seemed to be coming. She wasn't good at magic stuff, but she didn't even see Doom doing anything to make more appear? [color=FFB795]"How many Doombots did he build?!?!"[/color] Amelia speared a Doombot on her sword, some of its mechanical blood (read: oil) getting onto her hands. The Doombot shimmered green, and then suddenly two more were upon her. Amelia hacked away at them again, hacking and slashing and hacking, until no one could see her, a perfect sphere of Doombots surrounding her.... She tried to send out a blast of air to force them all back, but it was useless - and the Doombots all opened fire on her at once... Meanwhile, down on the ground, everyone seemed to be focusing on Doom in the evil duo partnership and not Luminous. Doom's energy shield had finally shattered, not too long after Maria had phased inside of it. The Doombot Cass had destroyed was gone, and two new ones magically appeared to take its place. They opened fire on the ground, sending out missiles - missiles that all tragically hit Niah. Had it not been for the Kree armor, it would have killed her. As it was, she ended up with severe burns on her stomach, the armor vanishing in that area (but remaining elsewhere). Raynor threw his dagger, Lyting, at Doom - aiming for a killing shot. Doom raised his forearm and the Asgardian dagger hit the metal, and fell to the ground harmlessly. "Uru metal is far more plentiful in this reality than in our own," Doom boasted. "And makes fitting armor." Raynor's eyes blazed with anger. Uru metal was sacred to Asgardians and not meant to be handled by outsiders. It was one of the few things to have survived the fiery rage of Ragnarok. [color=d86615]"That metal doesn't belong to you - you don't have any right to it!"[/color] Raynor snapped. He threw a punch, aiming to knock the helmet off of Doom's head, but Doom effortlessly dodged his fist. Doom then sent off a blast of energy at Raynor, designed to knock the Asgardian back, but Raynor managed to avoid the attack just in time. [color=f6989d]"Victor, be reasonable!"[/color] Bonnie hissed. She knew it was unlikely to change things - she knew that this was going to continue to be a fight. But people were dying all around them. And the multiverse was at stake. [color=f6989d]"Your plan for the Nexus - it'll end in the destruction of everything you know, everything you care about will be gone, and you'll be all that's left,"[/color] Bonnie warned. The snakes on her shield seemed to flash and writhe in warning for a moment - although it might have just been a trick of the light. Doom's eyes flashed dangerously. "Everything needs to burn before something new can form," he said ominously. Luminous continued to lash away at the door, sending off blast after blast of her power, moving so quickly that the naked eye could not see - and fortunately, Sif's spells seemed to be holding up... for now.