*STHSTHSTHSTH* Hissed Rat. It was echoed throughout the alley behind him. The alleyway was filled with uncomfortable fidgets and rustles, and the occasional pair of gleaming Rat eyes peering at them "stealthily" from the shadows. As Maire began to look away, a Rat shaped figure at the back of the alley attempted to slowly cross, though a hand reached out and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him back into the darkness with a grunt. Rat shuffled to the side a little to obscure their view of the alley. [b][color=#9e8659]"Information-gets, knife-lady,"[/color][/b] he informed, hefting the sword onto his shoulder with a grunt. Rat's eyes flicked towards Doll for a moment, probably wondering if the boy would scamper off now that his task was complete. Rat turned his gaze back and forth between Maire and Doll uncomfortably for a long minute before he focused on the Templar. [b][color=#9e8659]"Information-gets,"[/color][/b] Rat whispered loudly, holding up a hand to cover up Doll in his vision like that would prevent the boy from listening in. [b][color=#9e8659]"Gossip-Talks reveal big-man brings guest to ShieldTown. Injured. Unconscious,"[/color][/b] rat explained. [b][color=#9e8659]"Unconscious,"[/color][/b] the alley echoed, followed by ripple of shushes. [b][color=#9e8659]"Shiney-plates, she had. One you seek, perhaps. Go see big-man,"[/color][/b] he instructed, pointing behind Maire to the stylized shield painted in blue graffiti on the adjacent building. [b][color=#9e8659]"Late, it is. Rest now, perhaps. Rat will guide you. Rat is your guide,"[/color][/b] he chirped, then shuffled hesitantly out of the alleyway to look left and right down the streets. [b][color=#9e8659]"Where is cat-kitty?"[/color][/b]