[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3ua3YY5.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][indent]Saika waited while Murasame bought out the shop. Breakfast [i]and[/i] lunch—he wasn’t just big, he was a bold one, too. He lost her at the WcNib, though. Sure it was seasonal, but the sauce was like jelly and she’d never quite gotten over the time she’d found several fingernails beneath the bun the last time she’d gotten one. Absolute horror-show, sick to her stomach for days. Still went back though. You didn't just [i]quit[/i] WcDenji's. She scraped her brain for “[i]Mariner[/i]” but came up short. She knew a lot of the old Hokkaido heroes—plenty of them had come around her dad’s place after he’d retired—and a few from the Sado area, but for the most part that was it. Well, and the ones her mom looked into. “[color=red]Pff, feeding frenzy,[/color]” she repeated. “[color=red][i]Sick[/i]. They anything like you? Y’know—large? Sharp? Eventual victims of WcNib-poisoning?[/color]” His question was expected. Harmless, filler conversation, that’s all it was, but she still felt a little slap to the gut. When she cleared her throat, she felt a strain around her neck, just briefly. Her composure was solid though—she’d done this shtick and worse in front of the cops before, shooting the shit between chums was nothing. [sub][color=red][i]Chums. Shark. Heh.[/i][/color][/sub] “[color=red]Eh, my dad used to be, but he retired after I was born, and my mom does office work,[/color]” she said, casual and painless, like a really chill band aid that was totally fine with being peeled off at your leisure. Their orders came up—well, hers did, and then after a good minute or so of bagging, his followed. She looped Izuna’s order from her shoulder, took her own bag up, and jammed the wrapped-up WcFish into her pocket, for the sake of future hijinks. She dug in on their way out, cramming a few fingers of fries into her mouth. The streets didn’t seem any less busy to her, and despite their detour it didn’t [i]feel[/i] much later. But she kept them enroute—no need to take any [i]more[/i] risks. “[color=red]You know,[/color]” she said, chomping through a mouthful of crispy, golden sodium. “[color=red]Place like Ishin, right? Bet they go out of their way to invite hero’s kids. Yeah. Prolly all kinds of lil’ celebrities runnin’ around there. Lotta ego for one place. How long you figure before two of’em beat the shit out of each other?[/color]”[/indent]