[HIDER=Rescinded][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/Q88wGCF.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/eub4fvn.png[/img][h3][sup][sub][b][color=ed1c24]Matthew M. Murdock [color=ed1c24]♦[/color] Defense Attorney[color=ed1c24]♦[/color] Hell's Kitchen, New York City [color=ed1c24]♦[/color] The Law Offices Of Nelson & Murdock[/color][/b][/sub][/sup][/h3] [/CENTER][COLOR=9e0b0f][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [CENTER][sup][color=d34646][b]"God forgives you. He allows you to commit your sins as long as you repent for them. As long as you're willing to play by his rules. But as you can see, I'm not God. I don't follow his rules. And I don't forgive."[/b][/color][/sup][/CENTER] [color=gray]Seven years into his career as a vigilante, and Matt Murdock has only recently graduated from being known as the black-suited Devil Of Hell's Kitchen to being the crimson-clad Daredevil. While he and his legal partner, Foggy Nelson, barely manage to hold onto their low-rent law practice out of Hell's Kitchen, Murdock's nightly assault against the criminal element has begun to break through the barriers of underlings, naming a source for the Kitchen's ongoing misery: Wilson Fisk, the supposed 'Kingpin' of crime.[/color] [color=slategray]After trying to flesh out concepts where he's actually a mob lawyer, a devoted ninja of The Hand or an avenging priest, I came to the conclusion that Daredevil is one of those characters that isn't broke, so I shouldn't fix him. My main change from the regular canon will instead be that while Matt will still possess all the good stuff that makes DD a standout, his villains are gonna be nerfed a bit in order to portray a living, thriving criminal element for Hell's Kitchen. So while The Kingpin is the definite head of the snake, characters like Gladiator, Jester, Purple Man, and even The Hand are going to be folded into criminal factions of their own rather than act as gimmicky super-powered foes from the Lee/Everett days. Which isn't a huge shift for characters like Bullseye or Elektra, since they're largely just really skilled assassins, but it'll present a challenge for someone like Mister Fear, whose gimmick remains a little outlandish. Other than that, I want to make small changes here and there that won't really affect anyone but Matt. His mother, for instance, didn't abandon him and he was never trained by Stick. I hope flourishes like that will help me build my own version of the character, albeit not too far off from the original.[/color] [COLOR=9e0b0f][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT] [color=slategray]There's no real timeline. Daredevil's been active for seven years, but none of the major landmark events have happened beyond Matt's origin, his college years, Foggy discovering the secret, and Matt generally building up a solid reputation as an attorney. As for the NPCs I've decided on thus far... [b]Franklin 'Foggy' Nelson[/b] - Matt's best friend and law partner. Learned his secret years ago. Still hasn't quite gotten used to the idea that his blind ex-roommate is a violent masked vigilante. [b]Ben Urich[/b] - Daredevil's contact in the New York Bulletin. One of the last truly good reporters in New York, he's been working the Kingpin case for close to twenty years. Isn't aware of Daredevil's true identity and doesn't care who he is - the minute that Kingpin is brought down, he's convinced that he'll turn his efforts towards exposing the vigilante, aswell. [b]Karen Page[/b] - Nelson & Murdock's paralegal. She's only been employed for the last two years, but has secrets of her own that are just beginning to work their way into the responsibilities of her job. Still, Foggy trusts her. Matt doesn't. [b]Sister Maggie[/b] - A nun at St. Michael's church, where Matt confesses regularly. Matt has always known they were mother and son, and there was no attempt to hide it. But they've developed an odd relationship over the years: Maggie knows about her son's double life and doesn't approve, but knows he can't be dissuaded. All she can do is guide him, God willing. [b]Wilson Fisk[/b] - The shadow looming over Hell's Kitchen since Matt was a boy. Fisk's stranglehold on the neighborhood has made it an increasingly hostile area of New York, and he doesn't care how many have suffered to enact his vision of a kind of evil that he can personally control. He doesn't see Daredevil as a threat, anymore than another costumed vigilante. But escalating tensions with the other crimelords will point them towards eachother. [b]Elektra Natchios[/b] - Fisk's number one. Elektra was the love of Matt's life, so he thought at the time, but fate had other plans for them. Now, she's sworn loyalty to The Kingpin, utilizing skills that make her one of the deadliest women alive. [b]Paul Denning[/b] - Unbeknownst to Matt or Foggy, Denning is about to become their newest client - for a crime of particular interest to Mr. Murdock. [b]The Bullseye Killer[/b] - An unseen, unmatched serial murderer-for-hire that's appeared in a couple of key cold cases. He and Daredevil have never clashed, but both men are eager to change that.[/color][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=9e0b0f][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S A M P L E P O S T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [INDENT][INDENT][hider=Devil Of A Tale...][b][color=d34646]"Then we accept defeat, Fog. The judge isn't going to wake up tomorrow with a more lenient personality. Alvarez withheld details from us, and that alone could net a perjury charge, let alone lying on the stand."[/color][/b] Matt Murdock felt himself lean into a nervous tick he'd developed on the many subway rides he'd taken across town. Taking his cane, he'd subconsciously begun unfolding it into his right hand and squeezed hard. It wasn't due to the shop talk, as he and Foggy had spent countless nights arguing over their firm's procedure on litigation. Unlike most people, Murdock hadn't ever afforded himself the luxury of leaving work at work. He narrowed his brow, beginning to fold the cane back into it's proper shape. It wasn't the work that bothered him at all. [i][color=fff79a]"Wait, did you just ask me to accept defeat? Mr. Son-Of-A-Boxer? You're usually the one talking me down out of any rational motion. When did we switch roles?"[/color][/i] Murdock's expression didn't break as he adjusted the earbuds wirelessly connected to his phone. What bothered him was the noise of the car. The feel of the vibration. The electricity running beneath them. The buzzing of the lights above them. Everything about a subway was absolute pain for him, with sounds and smells and the feeling of it all trapped, bouncing back and reverberating in on itself. [b][color=d34646]"I'm capable of occasionally being wrong. And I was wrong. We know that Alvarez wasn't with the other men whenever the robbery occurred. What we didn't know is that it's because he didn't need to be."[/color][/b] [i][color=fff79a]"I know, I know. He provided them with the keypad's entry code. That's how the perpetrators were able to break in and that's how he was able to bypass your... instincts, because he technically didn't participate the night of. But it isn't our fault, exactly. How were we supposed to know he'd wiped his employment record off of their servers?"[/color][/i] [b][color=d34646]"We wouldn't have, which is irrelevant now. The case is unwinnable unless he can revise his testimony to line up with the prosecution's argument. I'm just trying to defer to how you'd think about this, for a change."[/color][/b] [i][color=fff79a]"Yeah, and that's actually scary. That's [b]exactly[/b] what I'd do. I feel like I'm talking to a pod person right now..."[/color][/i] [b][color=d34646]"Pod person?"[/color][/b] [i][color=fff79a]"Y'know. From the movie. The old movie where..."[/color][/i] [b][color=d34646]"Yes, because I watch so many of those. With my big screen television and my 3D glasses."[/color][/b] [i][color=fff79a]"Oh, screw you and your woe-is-me bullshit, Murdock. I happen to know you own at least three copies of Raging Bull. One of them used to be mine!"[/color][/i] Matt smirked. [b][color=d34646]"I actually kind of doubt you even own a blu-ray player."[/color][/b] [i][color=fff79a]"I own one! It's just buried under a mountain of pizza boxes and gym shorts..."[/color][/i] As Murdock was prepared to deliver another retort, he suddenly paused. A faint aroma had hit him out of nowhere. Growing stronger by the second. A fellow subway passenger's perspiration, he recognized, leaving the pores of their skin. It could have easily been nothing, but he had to be sure. Removing one earbud, Matt carefully listened in as the sound of a distant heartbeat became clearer, pounding like a heavy drum that was less than six inches from his face. Someone infront of him, probably about three feet away, was nervous as hell. [i][color=fff79a]"Matt? Hey counselor, you there?"[/color][/i] He wasn't listening. Infact, he'd already ended the call, reflexively. It could have been about anything. Maybe someone had suffered a stressful day at the office. Perhaps they were claustrophobic, and hated getting on the subway. But like Matt himself, they found that it was faster than trying to let a cabbie in this borough make his way through traffic without a couple of fender benders. Maybe... Murdock sighed to himself. Maybe it was exactly what he suspected. "Hey! What're you---?!" A woman's voice cried out just ahead. Matt felt the seat shift as she suddenly stood up. The person with the drumkit heart had broken out into a symphony, internally, as he apparently had grabbed the woman's purse and was in the process of wrestling it away. He was a larger man, over six feet tall. Greased hair, unkempt. Terrible aftershave. An alarming lack of deodorant. Matt's grip on his cane tightened considerably. Apart from him, there were only two other passengers in the car at this time of night. Both of them were currently fighting over a faux leather handbag. "BITCH, LET GO!" "Help! For god's sake, call 9-1-1!" "Shut the fuck up!" Then Matt smelled the hefty chunk of metal. Felt the flesh of the mugger's fingers slip against the handle, fighting it's way through the denim of his pocket. Matt immediately stood to attention himself, though he knew that there was little he could do. They would easily suspect something was amiss if the blind man in the corner suddenly did a somersault through the air and planted the heel of his shoe against the mugger's spine. It wouldn't even take a functioning pair of eyes to see what was going on there. [B]"YOU WANT THE BAG OR YOU WANNA LIVE?!"[/B] Matt remained still as she reluctantly, fearfully, let go of the purse strings upon his retrieval of the gun. And he grit his teeth. Waiting for the moment. Thankfully, the big, burly idiot gave him the moment when he stepped back. Matt could feel him blocking her field of vision. He was focused entirely on her, gun drawn. Ready for her to make the wrong move, or perhaps anticipating it, giving him an excuse to shoot. Immediately, Murdock sprang into action. Untethering the cane and revealing the cable underneath, he pinpointed the number of lights hovering above them, blinking on with a pathetic little amount of electricity. Three needed to be cleared. Tossing the unsheathed portions of his cane, which acted not unlike a certain pair of billy clubs still at home, Matt pulled back on the cable and effectively whipped them upward. The mugger and his would-be victim gasped as the first light shattered on impact. Followed by the second. Then the third. Neither of them even noticed Matt rushing the mugger at a steady pace from behind, melting into the pitch-black darkness as the woman screamed in horror, perhaps thinking that the entire subway was under attack. A few horrifying sounds of bones crunching under fists. Some swift movements generating a gentle breeze. The mugger himself screaming out in agony. A hunk of metal hitting the floor and sliding... Before the woman could even try to regain her composure, a light suddenly appeared from the corner. She shielded her eyes, allowing them to adjust. [b][color=d34646]"Ma'am? Ma'am, is everything okay?"[/color][/b] It was the blind man from earlier. He was holding up his cellphone, hopelessly pointing it's flashlight towards the wrong end of the cab. She looked down, and let out a loud gasp. The mugger who had assaulted her was unconscious at her feet. Blood oozing from out of his nose, mouth, and a fresh gash in his temple. She fell backward into her seat, astonished. The blind man reached out towards nothing, she realized, but he was nevertheless willing to help. [i]He had no idea[/i], she thought. [b][color=d34646][I]She'll never know[/I][/color][/b], he thought in turn. [/hider][/INDENT][/INDENT] [COLOR=9e0b0f][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P O S T C A T A L O G:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i][/i][/indent][/indent][/HIDER]