Some general lore that all Earth-bound or knowledgeable characters would be aware of: [quote]The Sentinel Program, led by Trask, was a United Nations effort. To date, it has three publicly known successes. First are the Sentinel drones, about the size of fighter jets, capable of atmospheric and spaceflight. Their weaponry proved capable of penetrating Chitauri wreckage in tests. Second, a network of satellites in low Earth orbit capable of initiating a powerful electromagnetic field around the planet as a defensive shield for a limited time. While scaled versions of the satellites were tested on the ground, for obvious reasons the electromagnetic forcefield has not undergone practical tests. Finally, the Sentinel Program's earliest success is the orbital space station, Bastion. Bastion station was designed to detect anomalies within local space and be an early-warning system for future alien assaults. It also serves as a carrier for the drone flotilla. The Sentinel Program is lauded by the general public and viewed as Earth's best defense against further threats.[/quote] I'm not sure how I want to organize this kind of general lore, but placing it on the timeline felt superfluous.