[hider=Augustans WIP] [center][img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/0462b188-ca9d-437c-8a6d-2e0d023eb607.png[/img] [h1]Empire of Augusta[/h1] [h2]The Augustan Empire[/h2] [h3]Augustans, Auggies, Imperials[/h3][/center] [U]Map Location[/U]: [hider=Claim][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/828699830796681246/1051977799759577128/MapTest7.png[/img] [I]Dark red[/i] [/hider] Government Type: The Augustan Empire is ruled under an Absolute Monarchy of sorts, the Emperor’s word and decrees being the law of the land. Under the Emperor is the Imperial Senate, who handle the daily functions within the Empire, passing laws and enacting his decrees, as well as acting as an advisory council to the Emperor. Between the Emperor and the Imperial Senate are the Noble Houses. The Noble Houses were once the First Families of the Augustan Confederation, and with the transition to Empire, the First Families had quickly ascended into becoming Noble Houses that held great influence within the Empire. [U]Demographics[/U]: [list] [*] Humans(Baseline and Offshoots)-50% [*] Dathu-30% [*] Rehnath-12% [*] Other(Migrants, Vassals, etc,)-8% [/list] [hider=Humans][/hider] [hider=Rehnath] [img]https://human-sphere.com/images/a/a0/Morat_art_01.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Dathu] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/4c5f68ef-ad97-464b-84b2-1a49c052c479.png[/img] [i]Left to right: Southern, Northern, and Islander Dathu subgroups[/i] Native to the world of Datheron, the Dathu are an amphibious species with mammalian traits. The Dathu are an antiquated people with a similar culture to the Middle Ages of Old Earth. Their society ruled by nobles, lords, and kings. The Kingdom of Datheron was one of the many participants of the civil war, the Kingdom, and its holdings to be annexed by the newly established Augustan Empire. However, Datheron would prosper under Imperial rule, despite their differences, the Dathu and humans of the Empire shared quite in common, and were deemed a civilized people by the Empire, worthy of respect. The Noble Houses of Datheron have retained their power and status, although they now answer to a new throne and sovereign. The Dathu are also separated into several subgroups, the pale Northerners, adaptable Islanders, and the hardy Southerners. [/hider] [U]Military[/U]: [hider=Imperial Augustan Army] [hider=Infantry][/hider] [hider=Vehicles][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Imperial Augustan Navy][/hider] [hider=Imperial Guard][/hider] [hider=Imperial Star Ranger Corps][/hider] [U]History[/U]: The beginnings of the Augustan Empire can be traced back to the Age of the Federation, well over a century ago. Despite the peace brought about by the Federation’s reign, the Outer Systems were still a hive of instability and chaos, often the site of Federation Peacekeeping operations. However, there did exist regional pockets of order within the Outer Systems, the Augustan Confederation was one such region. Named after the regional capital and first world to be settled in the region, Augusta Prima, the Augustan worlds was a group of human-dominated systems that served as a regional breadbasket of sorts, its many Agriworlds providing resources to surrounding systems and even to parts of the Periphery. These worlds being led by the long-standing First Families that have formed a monopoly in their local industry and have morphed into a form of local aristocracy within the Confederation. When the Barbarian invaders reached the Sphere proper, the Augustan Confederation was among the first to fall victim to the barbarian advance, their worlds razed or occupied for decades before the Federation was able to liberate them. The years of suffering had fostered a deep hatred for anything deemed barbarian and uncivilized that lingers to the present day. It also led to resentment of the Federation itself, the post-war years marked by many secessionists or centralist activities among member states. For the Augustan Confederation, a single figure rose to be the voice and face of a new movement of secession and regional militarization, Marcus, Patriarch of the Valdrim family. His movement had come at an opportune time as the Great Collapse was underway, hyperlanes failing, worlds and systems slowly becoming isolated, this was his time to act. His people once hoped for federation assistance during the war, he and his supporters pushed the message to not make that same mistake again, following this, sympathetic members among the First Families voiced their support and focused funding on redeveloping the local defense forces. Once the civil war was underway, the Augustan Confederation once more found themselves under attack from all sides, this time however, they had the means to fight back. As the civil war raged, Marcus and his faction had gained a much larger following, gathering more support among the people and the elites alike, which made the Confederate government increasingly nervous as their power was quickly being challenged. By the civil war’s tenth year, the Augustans had managed to hold the line, but were still met with crushing defeats and loss of territory, the people grew dissatisfied and angry, a perfect concoction for a new order. What made it worse was when over half of their territories had suddenly broke away overnight, swearing allegiance to the Great Republic during its Sphere-wide Offensive. After many behind the scenes talks, Marcus, with the support of half of the First Families and military leaders, had made a dramatic move to the Augustan people. Marcus Valdrim had launched a coup on the Confederate Capital with the support of a large portion of the military. Augusta Prima for a week, was a warzone as Marcus Supporter’s battled against the loyalist’s street by street. It was a hard-fought battle, but eventually Marcus’ forces had overwhelmed the loyalists, the Presidential District under his control. Broadcasting from Augusta Prima, Marcus had declared his victory over the old regime, and declared the formation of a new nation for his people, the Augustan Empire, proclaiming himself Emperor. The coronation was met with both a new sense of patriotic fervor from his supporters, and a healthy dose of skepticism from those worrying about a potential tyrant. Regardless of this, the new empire, with its first act, was moving on the offensive, launching its first campaign to retake systems and beyond, pushing back against their enemies. Near the civil war’s end years later, the Augustan Empire had conquered about a dozen systems, the Valdrim Family cementing their rule for decades to come. A century later, after a series of more conflicts, and under the continual guidance of the Imperial House of Valdrim, the Augustan Empire has grown into a regional power in the Outer Systems. [/hider]