[@Expendable] The suspicious stranger received the notebook and cracked it open to scan for an empty patch of paper on which to write their glowing recommendation. after first attempting to write with the wrong end of the pen, they turned it over in their hands with a flourish and began to inscribe the following with more success; [i]"Dear judge. This extremally large person has helpfully instructed me on the following subjects in a very lawful manner"[/i] They spoke aloud as they wrote, giving Toothpick an exaggerated wink as they read out the last few words. [i]"First, that it is typical to have a game master, though not essential. Second, that you may initiate an action on another player, but it is up to them to decide if is successful. Third, that player and character knowledge should be kept separate. and Fourth, that one should not post again before the other players have had a chance to respond."[/i] With an overzealous stab they dotted the final period and held the notebook out to the burly badger. [i]"I do hope this is sufficient. you have been most helpful."[/i]