Violent Night is a cheesy B-movie to watch with friends. (Like I did.) But its modern movie-isms to please the critics are obnoxious. (To me.) And almost everything in this movie could be easily improved upon. So I'd be hard pressed to say that a repeated viewing would do this movie any favors. (5 out of 10) For instance, the action is shot too dark. (A cheap way to cover its budget/CGI blood effects.) The plot is a complete fucking mess. (And the pacing is a bit all over the place too.) Most lines are cliché one-liners that you'd expect to hear⁠—but they're not used in any clever ways. It's almost always trying to be funny⁠—but not all the comedy works. And my biggest critique is that many of the actors can't act, and their stupid characters are either unlikable or half-baked perfect people. So it's hard to care, beyond the few laughs and over-the-top violence that keeps it watchable. (Though it's directed by the dude who made Hansel & Gretel. And has some of the Sonic 2 writers. So this does not surprise me in the least.)