Vreta observed the options before them as well. What they chose would have to be a compromise between the needs of their mission, and their need for secrecy. “All of these are rather well hidden for the ship itself, though we need to be cautious in what [i]we[/i] do on the surface. We must avoid discovery by the natives.” Pausing a moment, Vreta highlighted the rotten bough. “To my opinion, this may be a good place to start. What we know about our target is that they are life-seeders. [i]If[/i] this object is not so buried as the Navigator on Rothia, then there are two places I may expect it to be. The natives may have built their largest population center around it, or it is connected in some way to this Morgrawal that covers so much of the planet. It is best for us not to interact with the natives unless absolutely necessary, so investigating this heart would be our best first choice. In the meantime, while on the surface, our ship will be able to scan in even greater detail to isolate our target’s signal.”