[B][i]Hajime Sakaurazaki[/i][/b] Hajime Sakurazaki was new to Mephistos', but vowed to make new friends, or at least allies, among the students there while hiding his Ungifted status. Despite the confidence that the young warrior had gained over the past few years, he still knew that outing himself as an Ungifted was bad. So he went over to the nearest student and said, "Greetings. My name is Hajime and I am a new student. Can you show me around the school? I can pay if you want." The Nitta Clan had funded his trip and associated expenses, after all. The lanky, black haired teen he'd called out to turned to him with an annoyed frown. His bored eyes drifted up and down, looking, judging. But when their eyes met, a spark of interest flashed in the teen's eyes. After a brief pause, he spoke. [color=palegreen]"You a freshman? Guess it's not too late to start now, but you're a bit late to the party."[/color] He said, a playful smile creeping onto his face. [color=palegreen]"Well, whatever. I don't really want to get wrapped up in this, but..."[/color] He took a coin out of his pocket. [color=palegreen]"Heads or tails?"[/color] Hajime nodded and said, "I feel lucky. Tails." He was already taking this teen's measure, asking, "What is your name?" [color=palegreen]"Duke."[/color] He flicked the coin into the air, catching it halfway down and slapping it onto the back of his hand. Lifting it slowly revealed... [color=palegreen]"Tails. Guess you are lucky today."[/color] He said. Duke turned away from the boy and began making his way down the hallway, calling to him as he did. [color=palegreen]"Come on, and be quick about it. If your luck holds out, you'll make it out of this in one piece."[/color] "I have a sword," Hajime said as he followed Duke, all the while holding his katana on his belt. "Your school does not restrict the carrying of weapons much, I noticed. Isn't your country strict about those?" The teen shrugged. [color=palegreen]"Mephisto's is like its own country anyway. And besides, whether they see it or not, they can't stop us from having them."[/color] Even this early in the morning there were some students roaming the halls, some with weapons visible and some without, though, that wasn't to say the latter weren't armed. Doubtless they had some kind of hidden weapon or powerful gift, ready and primed to fight, should the need arise. Notably, armed or no, most students avoided Duke, moving out of the way of the lanky youth as he loped down the hallway, some giving him dirty looks as he passed by. He stopped just before one of the rooms, clearly an important one judging by the size of the door. [color=palegreen]"This is the faculty office. If you have any issues with classes, you go here. The teachers usually don't help you, but..."[/color] Duke shrugged. [color=palegreen]"It's probably better than asking anyone else."[/color] Hajime smirked and said, "That is all right; I need teachers who'd look the other way, anyway." Then he continued, "How much do you know about the students? I can pay extra if that costs money. Or maybe do you a favor if you need something heavy lifted..." A hint that he had a strong Gift of his own, which was a lie. Duke mirrored his smirk. [color=palegreen]"You're pretty forward for a freshman, I like that. Lucky for you, you found got the right guy. I know anyone who is anyone around here, first years excepted. You know, new year and all that crap."[/color] Their conversation was brought to a halt at the loud stomping of boots heading towards their direction. A tall, burly and ugly third year student halted his steps in front of them, with 2 impish second years trailing behind him. [color=palegreen]"Speaking of crap."[/color] He made no attempt to hide his voice, and the third year student's already unsightly face scrunched up into an unpleasant glare. Duke calmly smiled in return, prompting him to turn his attention to the new student. He stared him up and down, just like Duke had done a moment ago, but he ended his inspection with an arrogant grin. "Listen up newbie, this ain't a middle school daycare anymore, this is Mephisto's. We don't get our moms to wipe our asses for us anymore. I'm feeling generous today so I'll give you a choice. Join my gang and I'll show you how things work around here. Better than running with this bastard." He said, turning another glare at Duke. The lanky youth continued to smile. Hajime's response was simple and curt, "No." His sword was drawn in a flash, reflecting the light of the sun from the windows straight at the bully leader, then. After that, he'd cut at the second years' tendons with a swift flurry of slashes. Steel met flesh, and blood splashed onto the hallway. The students jumped back in surprise, but it was too late then. The second years collapsed on the floor screaming, while the third year looked at Hajime in shock. A shallow cut appeared on his throat and began bleeding. A split second reaction had saved his life. Tension built as he stood on the floor, cold sweat trailing down his forehead. Suddenly there was a light tapping on the ground, as Duke walked over and put his hand on Hajime's shoulder. [color=palegreen]"Easy there, tiger. You're nice and decisive, I'm liking you better and better. But since you're new here, let me give you a freebie."[/color] He looke down at the burly third year, derision in his eyes. [color=palegreen]"This is Leroy Stone. He talks a big game, but he's not that hot. Halfway into first year he was a giftless loser, and after gaining a gift, he turned into a gifted loser. 3 years of losing and now he's here, bullying first years like you."[/color] He said. Fury grew in Leroy's eyes as the insults continued, and anger compelled him to rise to his feet with a roar. A red light shone around his body, and he drew a knife. Even so, Duke didn't seem very impressed. [color=palegreen]"That red stuff is his blessing. The angrier he is, the more hits he'll soak up. So instead of just being a douchebag, he's now a punching bag."[/color] He slapped Hajime on the back. [color=palegreen]"Don't kill him, ok? Things'll get real messy if you do."[/color] Hajime nodded, then said, "I'll make this quick, then." He drew back a little, then cut at Leroy's belt with his katana, hoping to replace the other teen's anger with embarrassment for obvious reasons... Leroy was completely unable to react. The red aura immediately faded and the burly youth grabbed his pants. He tried to pull them up but stumbled awkwardly when they dropped down again. Duke burst into laughter at the scene and Leroy turned red again, for a different reason this time. Their fight had attracted some inlookers who whispered amongst themselves. Leroy's eyes darted around as he wrestled with his pants. He glared at Hajime and Duke, red aura rising (though a lot flimsier than when it had first appeared). "I'll get you back for this, you bastards!" He exclaimed before running away, leaving his 2 lackeys bleeding in the floor. Hajime then looked at Duke and said, "So, continue on? By the way, I am not part of your gang or any gang; I already have a liege." Duke laughed even harder at that. He seemed to find an endless source of amusement in this serious little freshman. He settled down after some time, wiping tears from his eyes. [color=palegreen]"Let's get out of here first. If we get caught by the prefects it'll be real pain in the ass."[/color] He said to the boy. The strange pair headed out of the building, towards the communal garden. [hr] With a solid clunk, 2 cans of soda emerged from the vending machine. Duke took one and threw the other to Hajime, before cracking his open. [color=palegreen]"That was a solid fight, newbie. Haven't seen something that funny in a long time."[/color] He said, taking a sip of his drink. [color=palegreen]"Anyway, just who was it that you're looking for?"[/color] Hajime nodded as he accepted a can and drank, before saying, "A Saint Laurel's student. The Legitimate Emperor of Izumo, Ken Illustrious Ikari." Duke thought for a moment. [color=palegreen]"No one I know, though he sounds pretty famous. You know what he looks like?"[/color] He asked. Hajime showed his smartphone and pulled up a picture of Ken in response. [hider=Ken] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ZB3W8v8.jpg[/img] [/center] [/hider] "I heard he was involved in a public incident involving one Doctor Nightman." At that, Duke's mouth curved into a twisted smile. [color=palegreen]"Nightman, huh? That old bastard... Alright, colour me interested."[/color] He gulped down the rest of his drink and crumpled his can before throwing it towards one of the nearby bins. It was overflowing, as usual, so the can bounced off the pile of trash sitting on the rim and fell to the ground. [color=palegreen]"This is something I would've looked into anyway, so let's talk about payment later."[/color] He said to Hajime. Hajime nodded and said, "Perfect." [color=palegreen]"Great."[/color] The black haired teen began to walk back into the main building, when he suddenly stopped and turned back. [color=palegreen]"Oh right, I forgot. Mind if I ask you something else?"[/color] Hajime nodded once more, asking, "What would that be?" [color=palegreen]"...You're a killer, right?"[/color] The boy's eyes glinted as he said, "I don't kill for fun or money or unless ordered by my liege, and even then he'll stop being my liege if he orders something extremely immoral." The Samurai followed up with, "I can break legs, though." Duke stared at him for a moment, and then sighed and turned away, as if disappointed by his response. [color=palegreen]"You're a real straight shooter, huh? Really just up and admitted like that?"[/color] He said, walking to the place where his can had fallen. He took it up with his foot and kicked it up to his hand. [color=palegreen]"Don't say that to anyone else, you hear? From anyone else it sounds like a joke. But from you..."[/color] He said, shaking his head. He pitched the can towards the bin once again, an emptier bin this time. [color=palegreen]"We've got a little unspoken rule here at Mephisto's; we don't talk about things we don't need others to know, and if someone gets caught, we don't know them, and we won't help them."[/color] He whirled around and pointed a finger at the young samurai. [color=palegreen]"That means [i]you[/i] need to learn some subtlety, unless you want the prefects breathing down your neck for the rest of your life. You get me?"[/color] Hajime froze a bit, then nodded, saying, "I will at least learn to shade the truth." Duke sighed. He didn't seem to place much faith in the stoic first year. [color=palegreen]"Alright, I can work with this."[/color] He said, extending his hand to the boy for a handshake. [color=palegreen]"Let's have a good business relationship."[/color] Hajime shook Duke's hand and smiled, saying, "Sure!" Duke had a baffled expression at his upbeat response. It was turning out to be quite difficult for him to get a handle on Hajime's emotions. [color=palegreen]"Anyway, you better follow me. First year classrooms are this way."[/color] He said, dropping the handshake and walking back towards the school building. And so Hajime followed, having made a new potential ally... [@Letter Bee]