[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/267390061270532105/1046565324583096320/honoka_header.png[/img][/center] [color=gray][sub][center][color=BB8EFF][b]Location:[/b][/color] Outside Ishin Academy, Sapporo [/center][/sub][/color] [color=gray][sub][center][@Asura][/center][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][indent][hr] [color=BB8EFF]“Its only the opening ceremony. It's not like they are gonna kill us on the first day.”[/color] Ishin Academy was a tough school. A tough [i]top[/i] school. Honoka had heard all of the whispers about it, but she wasn’t entirely convinced it was the living hell that it was described as. [color=BB8EFF]“But I'm not worrying about it too much. Like, why should I?”[/color] She uttered as a friendly gesture while she finished the last of the still mostly-hot ramen from the container before tossing it behind her without looking. The carton landed square into the open trash can that was a few feet away behind her. It probably looked impressive, which really, was the intention. After all, she had practiced the same exact maneuver back home in her village a billion times. Honoka did a lot of silly things like that back home that got her laughed at, but she was hoping all the cool traits she picked up would have a benefit at this new school far away from everything she knew. [color=BB8EFF]“I'm Honoka.”[/color] She finally said, introducing herself like a movie character. [color=BB8EFF]“Hidaka Honoka.”[/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent]