[Center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ohitsIF.png[/img][/Center] [hr][@Rune_Alchemist] A chilling jolt shot down Finnegan's spine like electricity as his spear was split in half within his very hands by a sudden spurt of water magic. For a moment, his steeled resolve faltered in the smallest amount; his footwork retreating a few steps back as he continued to hold his spear (or what was left of it) in a defensive stance. [color=Green]"Hah-- seems we agree on one thing... Humans shouldn't have a damned thing to do with child-eating monsters like you."[/color] the Apostle sneered with disdain as he carefully backed away; observing the two Valtem with caution as he prepared to escape, [color=Green]"But when you run away; and return too late to save your sisters--"[/color] he continued; his tone becoming resolutely cold, [color=Green]"Just remember you chased off the only human stupid enough to consider helping you... Even if it goes against my every instinct."[/color]