[center][IMG]https://images2.imgbox.com/83/5d/lJFrjOlE_o.png[/IMG][/center] Wow, was this girl ever fishy. Not suspicious, but literally fishy. Like a fish. Kayo hadn't realized it when she'd just caught a quick glimpse of her through the pushy crowd, but looking at her up close? Scales, weird looking eyes, sharp teeth, frills on her neck, those catfish whisker thingies, plus everything was GLOWING—she really was the whole nine yards for someone who didn't look it at a distance. Though, she seemed not to understand why Kayo was talking to her. Just...overall confused. Which fit perfectly with Kayo's picture of her; she [i]would[/i] be confused over something simple, wouldn't she? "[color=#FF825C]I'm a first year too, though?[/color]" Kayo twitched. Just a little bit. The faintest movement in her right eyebrow. For just a moment, the crowd all around them faded into the background as her mind played catch-up. The fish girl was in her class year? Her class year. Really. And in assuming she was an upperclassman because of her height, she'd—actually, you know what? No, she [i]hadn't[/i] made a mistake, [i]obviously[/i]. It still worked out just fine the end. Though she'd gone into things thinking that she was making nice with an upperclassman, that might even work in her favor. The sweet pitched-up voice, the perfect smile on her face; the cute image that she'd become so practiced at swaddling herself in was starting to weave itself together now, and having this girl be witness to such a 'mistake' from Kayo would only make things smoother. Opening her mouth to form a faux apology—and to ask the silly fish girl to introduce herself, seriously, what?—Kayo was interrupted and [i]blindsided[/i] by what had to be one of the most ridiculous things she'd ever seen. What kind of lunatic introduced himself by [i]jumping off a building?[/i] Still. As much as she absolutely gawked for the first moment, she'd pulled herself together enough by the time he landed—[i]nearly running into her, good lord[/i]—she mustered up an excited, if quiet, clap. "[color=#5bb573]That was amazing![/color]" Then this [i]ridiculous flashlight of a person[/i] introduced himself, and it took a great deal of her considerable well of patience and tolerance not to burst out in mean-spirited laughter. [color=#5bb573][i]Justice? He's calling himself[/i] JUSTICE? [i]What kind of moron—how did he even get into this school like that?[/i][/color] None of it showed on her face, of course. She was about to respond when she realized he wasn't finished yet, and had asked a question of them. And for just a moment she felt her heart sink. [i][color=#5bb573]He's in MY CLASS?[/color][/i] Immediately followed up, of course, with a happy smile and an "[color=#5bb573]Oh wow, we're in the same class![/color]" Didn't quite manage to call him by that name. It'd take a minute for her to work up to actually calling someone [i]Justice.[/i] What a joke.