[hider= Roxanne Laurent | Vampire ] [color=9f2b68][CENTER][h2][b]ROXANNE LAURENT[/b][/h2][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [img]https://i.imgur.com/q7G3JqG.png[/img] [color=gray][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [center][/center] [center][sub][color=9f2b68]ROXANNE LAURENT[/color] [color=9f2b68]|[/color] [color=gray]HETEROFLEXIBLE[/color] [color=9f2b68]|[/color] [color=9f2b68] 9f2b68[/color] [color=9f2b68]|[/color] [color=gray]VAMPIRE[/color] [color=9f2b68]✧[/color] ✧ [color=9f2b68]✧[/color] ✧ [color=9f2b68]✧[/color] ✧ [color=9f2b68]✧[/color] ✧ [color=9f2b68]✧[/color] ✧ [color=9f2b68]✧[/color] ✧ [color=gray]23[/color] [color=9f2b68]|[/color] [color=gray]FEMALE[/color] [color=9f2b68]|[/color] [color=gray]5'6[/color] [color=9f2b68]|[/color] [color=gray]5TH YEAR[/color] [color=9f2b68]▿[/color] ▵ [color=9f2b68]▿[/color] ▵ [color=9f2b68]▿[/color] ▵ [color=9f2b68]▿[/color] ▵ [color=9f2b68]▿[/color] ▵ [color=9f2b68]▿[/color] ▵ [color=gray]☀ Sociable[/color] | [color=gray]Approachable[/color] | [color=gray]Attentive[/color] | [color=gray]Confident[/color] | [color=gray]Diverting[/color] | [color=gray]Resourceful[/color] [color=gray]☁ Reckless[/color] | [color=gray]Capricious[/color] | [color=gray]Prodding[/color] | [color=gray]Untrusting[/color] | [color=gray]Duplicitous[/color] | [color=gray]Unsympathetic[/color] [color=9f2b68]▿[/color] ▵ [color=9f2b68]▿[/color] ▵ [color=#9f2b68]▿[/color] ▵ [color=9f2b68]▿[/color] ▵ [color=9f2b68]▿[/color] ▵ [color=9f2b68]▿[/color] ▵ [/sub] [hider=▿ ▵ ▿ ▵] [sub][COLOR=gray][i] [sub][b][color=9f2b68]LIKES[/color][/b][/sub] Bladed weaponry [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Fencing [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Flowers [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Figure skating [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Information & Gossip [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Flirting [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Skinship [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Hot chocolate [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Blood [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Alcohol [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Live music [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Dancing [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Wristwatches [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Art [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Patterns [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Fluffy rugs [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Secrets [sub][b][color=9f2b68]DISLIKES[/color][/b][/sub] Losing [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Being subordinate [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Restrictions [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Learning by rote [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Dry texts (like legislation, [i]ugh[/i]) [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Potions [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Shrill noises [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Most corduroy clothing ([i]get that off you, please[/i]) [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Loud chewing [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Nail biting [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Sloppiness [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Misfiling [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Kitsch [color=9f2b68]|[/color] Peeling (wood, paint, skin…) [color=9f2b68]|[/color] White sugar [/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider][/center] [CENTER] [/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/9Dwe4Us.jpg[/img][/center] [/cell][cell][sub][b][color=9f2b68] s k í l l s & w є α k n є s s є s [/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=gray]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=gray] [sub][b][color=9f2b68]STRENGTHS[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][color=9f2b68][i][b]Addictive saliva.[/b][/i][/color] There are naturally minuscule amounts of a psychoactive drug present within her saliva. During and directly after a feeding, the narcotic is at its most potent. It acts as a depressant, similar to morphine: induces euphoria, alleviates pain and anxiety, lowers inhibition, dulls senses, and hinders cognition. Humans develop a craving for more of the same after one to two feedings. As for supernaturals? The rumours are inconclusive. [i]Currently weakened due to having to take a suppressant.[/i] [color=9f2b68][i][b]Great listener.[/b][/i][/color] Always willing to lend an ear, and proactive about offering it to those who look troubled. Though Roxanne’s motives are by no means altruistic, her conversation partner usually comes out happier for it. Somewhat related, she’s primarily an auditory learner, and whether it’s lectures or gossip, she remembers most of what she hears. [color=9f2b68][i][b]Blood hunter.[/b][/i][/color] She’s a heightened sense of smell and taste for blood. She can track the smallest trace amounts wide and far, and will eventually be led to the correct target. Once she’s memorized someone’s blood scent, she can recognize them by that alone. However, vampires are the trickiest for her to recognize and/or track, because their blood is not quite ‘theirs’. [color=9f2b68][i][b]Acrobat.[/b][/i][/color] Roxanne is excellently agile, flexible, and dexterous. She took lessons in gymnastics, dancing, and ice-skating. She’s learned the art of knife throwing purely for its aesthetic appeal. She has been a part of the fencing club since entering the academy. She’s been quite successful applying her natural agility and acrobatic skills to combat. [/sub] [sub][b][color=9f2b68]WEAKNESSES[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][color=9f2b68][i][b]Thrill-seeker.[/b][/i][/color] She’s easily bored, and veers between feeling empty or filled to bursting with repressed frustrations. Her solution is to seek out ever varied, intense sensations. It’s what makes her feel alive, or lets her forget her worries for just a bit. It’s the spice to her life…But one that is potentially ruinous. [color=9f2b68][i][b]Suspicious.[/b][/i][/color] While she doesn’t show it, she questions the motives of others, and doesn’t trust easily – if at all. Feeling like she can’t – or shouldn’t – rely on the people at the Academy can make for an isolating experience. Oh, she’ll confide her mundane troubles, alright, but anything truly personal? She’ll keep it to herself and do all she can to resolve it on her own. [color=9f2b68][i][b]Ambivalent reputation.[/b][/i][/color] For good or ill, the Laurent family name is a well-known one. She has been met with a wide range of responses due to it; from some, pity, hatred, disgust, haughty superiority, attempts to use, control or destroy her…from others, fascination, curiosity, wary admiration, even expectations of kinship. In most cases, it’s a hassle she could do without. [color=9f2b68][i][b]Blood.[/b][/i][/color] Why, yes, her family does indulge. She took it for granted that she could have the occasional human snack at home. The years at the Academy she spent having to abstain have been grating on her. More so is having to pretend that she isn’t tempted. [/sub][/color] [sub][b][color=9f2b68]OUTLOOK / IDEALS / PERSPECTIVE [/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=gray]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][color=gray][color=9f2b68][i][b]Vampires.[/b][/i][/color] Those who by nature should be at the top of the food chain, and yet…It is not so. They’re all so powerful, [i]if only[/i] they put aside their differences – at least until their spot at the top was ensured. Unfortunately, there are far too many vampires willing to follow the rules set by the mages, for one reason or another…as she very well knows. [color=9f2b68][i][b]Magic folk.[/b][/i][/color] She’s met a few that are [i]fine[/i], but as a group, Roxanne can’t help but feel deeply resentful of them. Why do they get to use their natural abilities however they please when she and her kin do not? They act as if they’re [i]oh so just[/i], but at the end of the day, all they want is to be the ones in power. Why doesn’t everyone see that ‘benign’ or not, an overlord is an overlord? ([i]Of course,[/i] she’d much rather if vampires were the ones to rule.) [color=9f2b68][i][b]Werewolves.[/b][/i][/color] She knows her family had many a grievance towards them in the past, but the Laurents can’t really afford to squabble much with them as is. While Roxanne won’t back down if confronted by one, she won’t seek enemies needlessly. She doesn’t particularly enjoy the idea of allying with werewolves, but if there happened to be some dissatisfied with and willing to change the current system? Well, might well use that energy, see where it leads. [color=9f2b68][i][b]Humans.[/b][/i][/color] Short-lived, mundane lessers. Yes, yes, many are clever, and they do come up with the most wondrous of things…but also those most terrible. They should be the ones kept in check, controlled by their betters. And there are just so many of them! Why do they need so much protecting, when no one could possibly miss a few gone here and there? [color=9f2b68][i][b]Others.[/b][/i][/color] Whatever other varieties of supernaturals, she has no particular opinions of them on a group-basis, so judges each individual by their own merit. [/color][/sub] [sub][b][color=9f2b68]AMBITIONS[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=gray]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][color=9f2b68] ➽[/color]➽[color=9f2b68]➽[/color] [color=gray]Becoming someone powerful and influential. [/color] [color=9f2b68] ➽[/color]➽[color=9f2b68]➽[/color] [color=gray]Earning a better position for her family…and for vampires in general.[/color] [color=9f2b68] ➽[/color]➽[color=9f2b68]➽[/color] [color=gray]Find some sensible way so that those vampires who wished to hunt could, but without risking turning humanity as a whole against supernaturals.[/color] [/sub] [sub][b][color=9f2b68]FEARS[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=gray]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][color=9f2b68] ➽[/color]➽[color=9f2b68]➽[/color] [color=gray]Failure.[/color] [color=9f2b68] ➽[/color]➽[color=9f2b68]➽[/color] [color=gray]Becoming complacent.[/color] [color=9f2b68] ➽[/color]➽[color=9f2b68]➽[/color] [color=gray]Dying, but especially that she will die unhappy, unfree, and dissatisfied.[/color] [color=9f2b68] ➽[/color]➽[color=9f2b68]➽[/color] [color=gray]That she will do something foolish, and that her family will pay the price for it.[/color] [/sub] [sub][b] [color=9f2b68]в í σ g r α p h ч[/color] [/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=gray]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [hider=▿ ▵ ▿ ▵][color=9f2b68] [color=gray]The Laurent family was once upon a time one of the greater aristocratic vampire families. They trace their history back to Ancient Rome, which is when the biological narcotic they are so infamous for first emerged in a certain vampire. This progenitor saw an opportunity and took it. He secretly used his gift to his advantage, and experimented how to pass it on. He discovered that every turned vampire would have the same trait, but at varying potency. Meanwhile, only the rare born vampire obtained it, but theirs was at least as strong as his own. It is believed that he managed to gain the cooperation of a few magicals to ensure that whether turned or born, every of his ancestors would inherit this unique advantage. The Laurent family strived for centuries to turn things into their favour, breaking Academy rules without making it seem as if they were doing so. However, whether because their influence spread too far, or they gained the wrong kind of allies (and enemies), their sins were eventually brought to light. It was sometime in the 15th century that the family was punished. The clan was nearly exterminated in the process, but the last few survivors pledged themselves to the Academies once again. They made whatever concessions were demanded of them: that they would never grow beyond a certain number, that their activities would be more closely tracked, that they and their children would willingly take a suppressant to snuff the effects of their narcotic saliva. Most of their territories, wealth, and other possessions were lost back then. But they’ve kept in line, and have worked hard to amass profits anew. They have been making a slow, gradual recovery. In modern times, they have nowhere near the power or influence to be recognized as anything but ‘that fallen aristocratic family’. They are [i]a[/i] rich family, but only one among the many in the supernatural world. Their former status is of next to no aid to them now. Especially since many barely tolerate their continued existence…at best. However, if nothing else, their survival has intrigued some others, so it is not as if they are entirely without allies. They’ve also become much subtler and more cautious in any illicit activities they partake in. Roxanne was born in an environment wherein the Laurents are only reluctantly accepting of the impositions placed upon them. Her relatives still (mostly) choose to pragmatically abide by the new agreement between her family and the mages. Roxanne was the first children born to her parents, who are fairly young for vampires at around two to three centuries years of age. Her father (Lucien) is also a born Laurent, while her mother (Carla Mauriello) hails from another vampiric family, one of far less renown. Only when one of Roxanne's older relatives, Simonne Laurent, died, were the Laurents permitted another child. For her clan has already reached the maximum number permitted to them, and thus, every new birth to their line requires another of theirs to die. Her parents were both adoring, loving their precious daughter. But Roxanne was also told what being a Laurent meant, primarily by her father, who knew from personal experience. What she learned has never sat well with Roxanne. Especially not after the first time when she experienced the joy of drinking blood from an actual human. However, as much as it chafed her, she knew they were not ready for direct opposition…not any time soon. So, even after entering Hawthorne, where she often felt like some caged animal, she tried being patient for the sake of her parents. [i]Tried[/i] being the keyword, as her years there have not made her any more patient. [/color] [/color][/hider] [/cell][/row][/table][/color][hr] [/hider]