[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/UL6nAXN.png[/img] [h2][color=#7AFF95]Amelia Dupont[/color][/h2][/center] [indent][hr][center][h3]~8:30 AM | MT ARAPILES | Punks Wall[/h3][/center][hr] Amelia was faintly relieved to have something happen. She'd taken one of Vera's cigarettes, though she hadn't actually bothered to light it yet. She enjoyed a smoke more after she'd shot something; call it a personal preference. But the offer had been there, and free, so of course she'd take it anyway. Her teammates' objections to the idea of being collateral damage had also been noted. There was a priority list for that, though no-one but her got to be privy to the details. Vera had earned a point by giving her a free thing, even one she wasn't using right now. Lena ran good parties, and had specifically asked not to be put at risk, which Amelia could respect. As for the rest, she didn't try to harm people. ...at least, she didn't try to harm other reapers. It just happened to happen more often than management would like, and she couldn't be held responsible for other people's decision to stand in blast range. She had the sneaking suspicion that most of this team would hold a grudge about it, too, no matter how well she explained that her decisions were the right ones if you just didn't get hung up on the damage involved. All that was hopefully something she wouldn't need to contend with today, anyway. She really did need the money, so the looming pay-cut provided better insurance for her coworkers than any amount of pleading or chastisement would. As the monster and its quarry barrelled towards their team, the thought did occur to her that this could be some kind of strange prank, though she didn't voice it: far too late to make a difference if she did, anyway, given that the others were already acting. Probably not worth it to bring it up, given that it seemed unlikely. [color=#7AFF95]"Drone's mine!"[/color] Property damage was a special skill of hers, after all. Drones, from her understanding, were expensive as well, and a hefty price tag could make just about anything satisfying to break. It didn't look huge, so she was reasonably confident she wouldn't need the written spell to change its position. She took off at a sprint towards an appropriately-sized rock fairly close to her, aiming to cast her Trickster's Trade spell and swap said rock's position with that of the drone. [color=#7AFF95]"And... [i]shuffle[/i]."[/color] As she cast, she jumped with an enthusiastic whoop, aiming for a two-footed landing on top of the drone the moment after it and the rock changed places. Hopefully, if she timed things right, its owner wouldn't have a chance to know what happened.[/indent]