She's what happens when you try to enhance beyond your casting level, made her look like an Oni So Illusions, Body Enhancing Magic and Wind Magic Body Enhance is a perm spell so she can't do much more with it besides heal her injuries It made her twice as strong, twice as fast, with endurance her healing magic is self only and requires she drop all other spells Illusions are not area effect but appear in real world as objects, people, animals or things like fire, steam, or other elemental effect. Cannot do damage or manipulate the physical world Wind magic at the moment allows her to fly, breath underwater or toxic environment, and create pressure waves which she likes to channel into a tube she loads with rubber, glass, or steel pellets. power comparison single shot .50 cal at max with a possible 40 shots before her power drops off till exhausted around 60 shots the last as strong as maybe a BB gun