[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221216/4f44c5397258cf4400482ab4f1e5e068.png[/img][/center] Adam Hayes also went to the Seabreeze Cafe, with Inferno his Charmeleon in tow. You were never going to a piping hot cup of hot chocolate. No way! Inferno also got a treat too. As he sipped his drink, he found Harry and Renata at a table. Harry’s nose was buried in a bunch of books. Typical. Adam never understood the appeal of reading about stuff, when there was a whole wide world to explore! You could be out there actually doing things! [color=red]“¡Hola amigo!”[/color] Adam exclaimed as he put his hand on the table and leaned against it. [color=red]“Whatcha doin? You still have your nose in a book, huh? ¿En serio? Don’t you do enough of that in class?”[/color] He rolled his eyes. [color=red]“Whatever… They’re going to announce the treasure hunt soon. Then we can actually be out there doing shit, instead of reading about other people doing shit! This is my year! I’m going to get all 8 badges and become the champion! NO ONE’S GONNA STOP ME!”[/color] He excitedly put his fist up in the air. The Charmeleon mimicked his trainers gestures. “CHAAAARMELEON!” [color=red]“That sure as hell beats studying anytime.”[/color]