[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zdSc0rY.png[/img] [color=2B822F]Time:[/color] 9:30AM [color=2B822F]Location: [/color] Inside Caesonia Castle then outside [color=2B822F]Interaction: [@Potter]Princess Sadie,[@Rodiak] Mattias[/color] [color=2B822F]Mention: [/color] [color=2B822F]Attire:[/color][url=https://litb-cgis.rightinthebox.com/images/640x853/202106/bps/product/inc/jfqhkv1624934883758.jpg?fmt=webp&v=1] ’nice clothing’[/url] [/center] [hr][hr] Verrick’s eyes narrowed slightly at her answer. He simply nodded, implying he was accepting the answer. However, from what he remembered. Baltyria was so far away, it had no connection with any of these kingdoms. No one came out of there, as if it was its own world. No travelers, no traders, no diplomats. So… How did she hear Caesonia was Beautiful this time of year? If she had answered she just wanted to travel and explore the world, and then heard of Casonia while doing so. He might have believed her. However, the way she worded it gave it away. She knew of Casonia before leaving Baltyria, and it was her destination. As it was “far enough” Where she said earlier she was merely passing through. This, along with introducing herself as a ‘major general’ it was clear she was giving him a rehearsed cover story. [color=2B822F]”Not quite far enough it appears…’Major General’. I assume it's a few more years of travel before that gets left behind?” [/color] He asked with an eyebrow slightly raised. He glanced over the Princess as she ate the funnel cake hungrily. He blinked a few times before saying [color=2B822F]”Forgive me for interrupting.” [/color] Bowing his head slightly.