Fanilly's only response when Velbrance continued to speak was a sharp intake of breath, her hands clenching again. Ultimately, no matter how it had been a death in the line of duty, it was true that Sir Rickert [i]shouldn't[/i] have died. But he had nonetheless. The Lord's words served only to remind her of something she had to do all she could to avoid repeating. When he extended his arm, the Knight-Captain hesitated for a moment. While his words had not been the most cheerful, her memories of Lord Velbrance when they were both children were not unpleasant. He had been polite to her, after all, and they had met a few times at functions held by their families. Surely, there was no harm in having him accompany her in such a manner. And yet, she was the Captain of the Iron Rose Knights. It wasn't suitable for her to be taken by the arm such as the average noble maiden might be by a suitor. She was a knight. She was the highest authority in an order once lead by a Saint. She had to conduct herself as such. "Thank you for the offer, Lord Velbrance," she began, her tone apologetic but as firm as she could manage, "I don't mind if you accompany me, but it's unsuitable for the Knight-Captain to arrive on the arm of another." Before she could approach the Princess, however, she paused when she realized Sir Renar and one of the Crown Knights(who bore him some resemblance) had apparently arranged to perform an exhibition duel for the benefit of their host. She hadn't been informed? Why hadn't Sir Renar mentioned as much to her? Regardless, it was certainly a show of skill. Though, somehow, she found herself worried that Sir Renar's treatment of his opponent was perhaps more intense then should have been warranted. And she was certain murmuring had spread through the crowd. Perhaps they agreed with her assessment? Still, it was concerning it hadn't been mentioned to her... She'd had to speak with him later. [@Raineh Daze] [hr] It was around this moment, at the conclusion of the duel, that Cecilia may have caught a far-too-familiar face among the crowds. A young woman, only two years her junior. A familiar head of bright, crimson hair. Blue eyes, gleaming slightly in the light of the hall. A lovely green dress adorned with frills and ribbons. She was eyeing the dual, beside a handsome young man with dark skin and jeweled clothing of a style unfamiliar in the lands of Thaln or even its neighbors. It was likely he was the son of a Asharaad diplomat or merchant, invited to the ball alongside his father. Perhaps he had come along with the redheaded girl. Perhaps he had met her there and struck up conversation. But there was no way Cecilia would fail to recognize who her eyes had fallen upon while dancing. Annika Autmere. [@Rune_Alchemist] [hr] Of all the things Sir Fleuri likely expected during his dance with the 'Lady Cteline', it was unlikely he expected what came next. Somehow, no-one seemed to notice her until now. Perhaps some had spotted the tall hat bobbing through the crowds, but she had gone largely unmentioned. Suddenly she was there. Tugging at the Flower of the North's sleeve. If he chose to look, he would be greeted with the sight of a pale, green-eyed young girl with dark, shiny hair. She had soft, rounded features, perhaps what one might expect when imagining an endearing young girl. The only truly unusual thing was the ill-fitting travelling outfit she wore. While it was perfectly clean, a tall and wide-brimmed hat with an oversized jacket and long skirt probably wasn't what most people would approve of as party wear. She looked up at Sir Fleuri, pausing only a moment to glance towards the disguised Lein before she spoke. "I can't find the sweets," she began, frowning, "There's so many adults and I just get turned around, can you help me? Pleeeease?" She seemed to have no idea she was talking to a pair of Knights. [@PigeonOfAstora][@Crimson Paladin]