Done! Any feedback is appreciated. ;) "Don’t. Just don’t…” [hider=Thulile SaintMaurice] Name: Thulile SaintMaurice Age: 17 Gender(or lack thereof): female What Makes You A Misfit?: Thulile shies away from human company. It makes her uncomfortable and feel unsafe. She also has this weird magical power, which she doesn’t properly control: animal mimicry. It means she can mimic animal attributes. It seems to have a strong and annoying link to her emotions. Her blushes, in her childhood rarely visible on her dark skin, now pop up in strange colour patterns like a chameleon’s. Uncontrollably, a dainty hand can suddenly changes into a heavy, hairy bear paw. How can Thuly explain that in any plausible and sane way? Thulile really understands animals. She is a fierce fighter for animal rights. She doesn’t mind breaking rules and limbs to protect animal life. Appearance: Height: 5’5” Weight: 126 lbs. Eye colour: soapy green Hair colour: raven Physique Thuly is a pretty petite. Prominent in her heart shaped face are a pair of big, green eyes, which look at you with a fragile gaze of innocence lost. These soapy eyes barely hide the cracks in the soul behind them. Her lips might be full, but her tendency to squeeze them into a tight line makes it super hard to tell. The girl isn’t tall, but is flat chested and thin, with extraordinary big feet. It makes Thulile look gangly and clumsy. It also ensures she is well grounded and sure footed. Personality: Thulile is a timid girl. She openly wears the insecurity of a teenager. Through her past experiences she has learned that trusting people is a liability. She loves the directness and honesty of animal companionship. Thuly feels calm and balanced out in nature. Crowds, villages and cities creep her out. Beneath the thin, timid facade sleeps a fierce animal. Push her buttons too hard, or in the wrong order, and Thulile will explode in a terrible rage. In this berserk-like state she is oblivious to danger and only wants to hurt, hurt, hurt. Skills/Abilities: Thuly didn’t finish school. She does know how to survive out in the wilds, living from the land. With her talent comes a knack for understanding animals of all sorts and sizes. Powers/Magic: Animal mimicry - the power to mimic the attributes of animals. Backstory: Thulile hails from Normandy in France. Born into a dirt poor family of sheperds, she was an only child. From an early age on she helped out, caring for the sheep and running wild with the sheep dogs. Although she went to school, she didn’t have a knack for bookworming, as she calls it. Thuly couldn’t ever sit still for school to end. One dreadful winter, when Thuly was fourteen, her family’s flock was hit by disease. Within a couple of days nearly all sheep succumbed to it. Without any means to provide for his family her dad saw himself backed into a corner. In blind panic he leaped from the nearest cliff to his death. Fiercely maternal, Thulile’s mother took up the gauntlet from her husband’s spread eagled corpse, to ensure survival for her daughter and herself. Sadly, within weeks her methods got her imprisoned for theft, and armed robbery. Thuly thus found herself parentless within two months of her father’s demise. From America her uncle, brother to her father, came to her rescue. Or so she thought. He had no warm feelings for her. He did have the hots for her, though. In a cold, clinical way he started to groom her for his twisted, carnal pleasures. The first time he tried to force himself upon young Thulile, she surprised him by lashing out, and breaking his nose. Before he could recover, Maeve had fled the house. This was the first time her power exploded from her. It scared the hell out of her, and she not just fled the scene, but also the shock of her magic. Without any kin, no friends, no passport, and only a couple of francs to her name Thulile roamed the streets. She managed to put some distance between herself and her cursed uncle by taking refuge in the anonymity the homeless society. There she had to fend for herself. It learned her how to grow and - mostly - control her power. RP Sample: “Merde, merde, g’damn!”, Thulile gasped. After the last time she’d vowed to stay calm and not meddle. But the man had asked for it. ‘He was kicking his dog half to death!’, Thuly thought. She couldn’t just stand there and do nothing. Perhaps she would’ve shown some more restraint, if she had known the man was the local deputy, but probably not. Now she was on the run. She’d sped through the adjacent forrest, hoping to lose the posse which the sheriff had set on her. Well, perhaps Thulile shouldn’t have broken the deputy’s leg. “I at least made my point”, she smirked. “That’ll teach him”. With the shivering body of the deputy’s dog on her shoulders Thuly ran through the dense undergrowth. Suddenly she stopped in her tracks. The trees were gone. A river of asphalt sliced through the greenery. Surprised, the young girl looked left and right, almost expecting to see a squad car speeding towards her. It wasn’t there. With a sigh of relief, Thulile gathered her wits. ‘What now?’ Faintly a tingle of music tugged at her earlobe. It seemed to come closer. At the same time Thuly heard the faraway screaming of sirens. A sense of urgency, bordering on panic, trampled her heart. The music - ‘Country’, recognized Thulile - was now clearly audible. The source of it abruptly rounded a curve in the road. It was a beat up pick up truck. As it came nearer Thuly could hear the old thing creak and groan like an old man. Involuntary it reminded her of those two grumpy, old men on the balcony of the Muppet Show. ‘Statler and … what’s his name’, she concluded. A tiny smile curled the corners of her mouth upwards. As again the peril of her situation invaded her thoughts, Thuly started to wave her hands at the nearing vehicle. “Help me”, she gasped, “please stop!” [/hider]