[h2]Sato and Sato[/h2] The duo regrouped as Kyozan backed off from his attack. This was... hm, he seemed to be doing well? But now Kaeru had come in to clean up the small fries, with the Nekomata's usual ability to restrict the enemy reducing them to little more than sitting ducks, providing assistance against the source of this conflict was the better option. Something that would require a [i]little[/i] more firepower than a strength-enhanced punch could provide. [i]If they could ever get that permit through...[/i] Suzume thought, spinning around and grasping her partner's wrist. "Oh my~? Is now really the time and place?" the demon asked, exaggeratedly batting her eyelashes and grinning at the eye-roll she got in response. "Can't think of a better one," she said, pulling Lily in closer. And then, in complete defiance of the fact they were surrounded by hostile grudges, or that they had a job to do, the two kissed. Not just a quick chaste kiss, either; it was passionate, the two getting intimately close... and then even closer and closer in the tight embrace, until it crossed the boundaries of physical possibility and the two were visibly merging, leaving what seemed to be only Suzume standing there--her bleached white, eyes an icy blue, and now sporting a [i]very[/i] sharp pair of horns. Because Resonance with a [i]sex demon[/i] would of course involve public displays. At least it only went that far. The freshly-combined Sato was... alluring. The enthrallment so carefully wielded earlier now had an almost physical force to it, demanding attention and obeisance, even of friends or allies, for a few brief seconds before it was forcibly quashed, her nearly autonomous ability consciously suppressed. But it [i]would[/i] get Kyozan's attention, and she could use that. [b]"Get behind it, stop it from constantly running,"[/b] she stated, Suzume obviously taking the lead in directing them--and then advancing towards the blob. She was pretty fast, but it was obvious that mobility wasn't her strong point at all, and it made sense to direct the diving demon to circle around. As for why she expected the reforming blob to flee [i]backwards[/i], that was made clear when her foot came slamming down to the ground in a kick against... absolutely nothing. Not only did the ground of the park crack under the force, but a brief, high-roaring wave of fire fanned out in front of her. If it couldn't dodge left, and couldn't dodge right, it would be forced to retreat backwards into his grasp, right? Being amorphous didn't make you [i]fireproof[/i]. If it barbecued a few minor grudges on the way, so much the better.