[center][img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/nRDMO/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo4NCwidyI6MTAwMCwiZnMiOjg0LCJmZ2MiOiIjNzhCMkVBIiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/Sm9yZGFuIFN0YWFy/naofumi-demo-version.png[/img][/center] Though she hadn't been here long, Jordan was already starting to develop a routine at Papas Academy. It began with literally rolling out of bed. Then she would spruce up in the bathroom, change into acceptable clothing for being in public, and zombie-walk to the schoolyard. There she would be able to get AJ and Aguacita out of their balls for a mourning stretch and fly to wake up. Of course, this all happened at a snail's pace and as late as humanly possible. Morning classes were a drag, but she wanted to attend all the best classes she could which would necessitate some sacrifice. With other students meandering the yard she could gradually wake up in the warm outdoors with her companions close by. She released the duo as soon as she was out the door. [color=80b4ec]"AJ, care to hook me up with a fruit?"[/color] she asked from her Tropius. He cooed and shook out his wings before lowering his neck. Her Wattrel leapt and flew lazy circles around the pair as they trudged across the yard looking for a quiet space. By the gardens, Jordan spotted a cozy place by the flowers to start her day, but as she rounded the bushy flora, a hidden student startled her. [color=80b4ec]"Oh, [i]buenos días[/i], sorry if I'm invading your space. I was just looking for someplace out of the way to do some stretching before class. Care to join me? I'll find another spot if you'd prefer though, I'm not a morning person myself so I understand."[/color] She smiles at the boy in long black hair, much taller than herself. If he was open to her company, she would totally offer him some of AJ's fruit too; she loved to see the reaction of new people when they tasted it for the first time.