[hider=Ashan Darwish] [list][*][u]Name[/u]: Ahsan Darwish [*][u]Age[/u]: 18 [*][u]Appearance[/u]: [url=https://www.pinterest.com/pin/759771399627108287/] "My family insists that I need to present myself with a good image" [/url], [url=https://scontent.fmex13-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/69614339_123058275723723_4903686838994075648_n.jpg?stp=cp0_dst-jpg_e15_fr_q65&_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=UnxIWbfQM0EAX_jjJDI&_nc_ht=scontent.fmex13-1.fna&oh=00_AfAKhZgFdCyb-bPBNiyxPZ13WVPf08vdhbBQ4sb5vT3K_g&oe=63C561E5] "But I much prefer this" [/url] [*][u]Gender[/u]: Male [*][u]Personality[/u]: An outgoing and usually cheerful man Ahsan tends to be perpetually friendly, happy and blunt in his feelings but sometimes this comes across as pushy or overbearing. This means that Ahsan will almost always be honest even if lying would be the better and safer option, however this aspect of himself has become a little more lax once he regained his memories. Difficult to anger and stubborn he prefers to be among friends but does well in large gatherings as long as the atmosphere isn't too rowdy. [*][u]Abilities/Skills[/u]: Born and raised as a Noble of middling status he knows and follows most of the etiquette lessons that predominate the kingdom with all their unnecessary flairs and the occasional use of flowery language to stroke or break each other's ego. But the singular aspect where Ahsan truly is remarkable is in his charm magic and his capacity to use dances to invoke more esoteric effects. He has a barely passable capacity with the sword as he only took it to practice blade dancing. [*][u]History[/u]: Before Ahsan became Ahsan he was Alex, a normal person, someone who woke up everyday went to Uni and then came home to do Homework and relax. It was by pure chance that he came across a charming Otome game which then proceeded to reveal more and more of itself, quickly becoming one of his favorites by sheer quantity of the content and the surprisingly deep lore that could be found through all the different options one could choose. The only reason he never completed the game at a 100% was for a lack of time before his demise when he fell from the roof of his home when he was working on It. [*][u]Original Role and Background[/u]: As the son of a normal Viscount, Ahsan life has been carefully structured for him to either rise through own merit or to be married off upwards in an attempt to elevate the family status. Which makes it such a shame that he wishes for nothing more than to leave his family name behind and become a wandering performer with little regards for prestige and decorum. It all started when he was 10 and a wandering troupe settled in his family lands for a few nights, sneaking off to see them in his first ever act of open rebellion Ahsan can say that was one of the best nights of his life thanks to the people and the grandeur of it all. When he informed his parents of his newfound interest in dancing they eagerly found him tutors and ways to practice, seeing it as an opportunity to make him distinguished in the eyes of the nobility but when it became apparent that he cared more for his freedom than for the family standing they stopped but the damage was done already. He managed to get an invitation to the Academy besides the other lower nobility and his character arc without the heroine interfering would be a coin toss between him abandoning his dreams and accepting to become a vessel for his family success or to break his chains and live his life to the fullest. If the heroine does become involved however his paths become More intertwined with hers to the point that Is possible for him to retain his status and accomplish his dreams. [*][u]Other[/u]: One of the reasons his family is so insistent that he inherits the family legacy Is the simple fact that he possesses no brothers, sisters, cousins or even uncles who could take the mantle despite his parents' attempts. Despite being romanceable he wasn't a very popular choice despite being a "must-have" party member. [/list] [/hider]