[@MagusDream]: Putting the tag error aside, I find it weird that the person's family name pre-isekai was 'Blueflame'. Could probably change that to be something a bit more 'normal'. Rest of the form looks fine to me otherwise, and it'll be an acceptance once I give an okay on the name. [@Crusader Lord]: Honestly, my biggest problem with this character is the weird (and maybe accidental?) suicidal ideation that the character portrays. It's one thing to pass away due to an accident or being a victim of some crime and be given a second chance, but to willingly take one's own life and, in essence, be rewarded for that? ...Yeah, doesn't sit right with me. I'll concern myself with the rest after that bit's fixed. [@Teyao]: What I find a bit more problematic is how the character just doesn't fit in thematically with the rest of the cast at the given point in time in the story we're starting at (read: the start of the 'game's' story). There's no clean way to integrate the character into the RP for the first who knows how long, and if I'm going to be completely honest here it's fairly unlikely that forcing them into the cast would lead to anything productive. Sorry.