[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/935994562026016780/1037173139739787274/KyozanHeadPic.png[/img] [h3]Kyozan[/h3] [i][b]Between a Fire and a Hard Demon...Wait no not like that--[/b][/i][/center] [hr] “Hrm. So it’s one of those types that just squish when you try to flatten them…” Kyozan grumbled as he fell. Then the blob sent several tendrils careening towards him, and he snarled. The first one to lunge at him was sliced to pieces with one sweep of his claws, and he went into a spin through the air. The next tried to wrap around his waist, but was met with his iron grip then bitten in two–this time, he spat out the foul tasting substance. A third seemed less like an octopus tentacle and more like a mass of human hands growing more hands on the end of its fingers. This one Kyozan kicked away with a blow strong enough to burst it like a balloon–but he had no more leverage in the air, and the tendrils were all around him now. One wrapped his ankle and pulled him back through all the twists and turns it had made, only in reverse, before slamming him into the earth near the reformed hive. The others lashed to him–his wrists, his knee, and one managed to get around his torso like a shoulder strap. But still the Rakshasha’s sheer muscle kept him upright as he roared his defiance. A surge of spiritual energy seemed to distract literally every being in the park for an instant. Kyozan stopped wrestling at the same time the giant grudge-mother stopped trying to strangle him, and he looked at the rather voluptuous “new” ally that had appeared. This was the Resonance technique that had replaced the old school of Familiar Contracts? Was it always so…tantric, in nature? Not that he minded that idea, necessarily… Sato-squared told him to keep the giant blob from running away, and he started to ask what was going to make it run, if it hadn’t already fled from the mere sight of himself? But when the fused woman released her flames, he saw through the strategy to cut off its movement. And sure enough, when the writhing creature tried to get away from those encroaching flames…it would find itself anchored to the spot by a tall demon, pulling on its tendrils with every muscle in his huge body as taut as piano wire. Veins and sinew bulged beneath Kyozan’s skin as he cackled. “What’s the matter, coward?! Got [i]yourself[/i] caught when you tried so hard to catch me!?” He let out a warcry, and twisted with all his might. His feet cracked craters as he sank into the earth under all the weight, but he dragged the Grudge Hive right back into the heart of the flames. Kyozan closed his eyes and concentrated… [hr] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/935994562026016780/1037173266038669312/MikaHeadPicSmug.png[/img] [h3]Mika[/h3] [i][b]Prep Phase[/b][/i][/center] [hr] [i]”It only deforms against blunt attacks! Can you cut it from a distance?!”[/i] Mika opened her eyes as she nodded. Her partner would feel her affirmation even if they couldn’t see each other. Still watching the laptop screen for any changes, she flipped open her bag and drew out a standard sized notebook and a calligraphy pen. As she gathered energy, the notebook floated open in front of her and its pages began to flutter as if turned by the breeze. “Keep fighting, Kyo-chan! Something that can travel over that distance will take me a bit!” She whipped her pen across the pages, the pink tip of her tongue poking out as she concentrated. Whenever she completed a sigil, she placed her hand on the paper sheet. It separated itself from the booklet, and began to orbit around her. One sheet at a time, she began to build something that seemed like…a paper airplane? But it was more like paper-mache than a single folded sheet from a notebook. Its shape, too, began to resemble something like a stealth bomber–a continuous straight edge in a V shape over its nose and wings… “Kamigetsu-Ou!” She recited, pen and hands still working in tandem. “Great Sparrow Sword…”