[hr][hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wjbPELQ.png[/img] [hr] [color=b71d5d]Location:[/color] The Carousel [color=b71d5d]Skills:[/color] Enhanced Reflexes (passive); Energy Vampire [/center] [hr][hr] Andy was at a loss for what to do. Selene was starting just to leave, which, honestly, Andy couldn't blame her for doing. But it made defeating her really difficult. Magento surrounded Selene with metal, and she was about to take advantage of that when Max explained that they needed to make a circuit. She didn't understand, but her part of the task she could do. Casper was back in the fight too. She could shunt souls at him, making this whole thing a lot easier for her. She held up one hand directed toward Selene and the other toward Casper. In one, out the other. She started to pull and push at the same time. It was still an intoxicating feeling. She could swim in the feeling of soaking up souls. But she focused on the idea of Zari. If they failed, Zari would never exist. The world was doomed. She couldn't allow that. She didn't want a world without Zari in it. [hider=roll for circuit]Andy will do as Max asked and pull souls from Selene while pushing them toward Casper for him to take care of[/hider]