[hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LpDeg8r.png[/img] [hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color] EARTH 257: New Asgard [color=0080ff]Skills:[/color] Kree Tech [/center] [hr][hr] Niah lay on the ground. She knew she should be dead. Several times over. She wasn't sure how she survived this most recent one other than the armor. Her body was in too much pain to focus on much of anything but it. She had the absurd thought that it was a good thing she wasn't pregnant in the field. And that reminded her that she was leaving the field permanently after this mission. Really she shouldn't have come back. The Secret Warriors were just that, Warriors, and she would never be on par with most of the group. The group was overwhelmed with the Doombots and dealing with Doom and Luminous. But stopping the Doombots seemed impossible. It was like a hydra. She touched a part of the armor. Thinking, 'I need a way to stop these bots.' All the armor disappeared and in her hand appeared a small pyramid. It had a button on it. She frowned and pressed the button. Niah didn't know what to expect but being nearly blinded had not been it. She was in a shit ton of pain and is now almost blind. But in the pyramid, she understood what she saw. How the hell this was happening was beyond her. But that was fine. She just needed to find a way to get the Doombots into the pyramid with one leg. Everyone else was busy. Amelia was in the air. She was fighting the bots. [color=0080ff]"Amelia!"[/color] She yelled from her sitting position on the ground. She set the small pyramid off to the side slightly. [color=0080ff]"Help me by using the air to push the bots into this!"[/color] She said, pointing to the glowing spot of the pyramid. [hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RGqiibs.png[/img] [hr] [color=004d00]Location:[/color] EARTH 257: New Asgard [color=004d00]Skills:[/color] Paralytic touch [/center] [hr][hr] Since Doom was covered in armor, there was no way Matt could get a touch against his skin. How that had worked for the shield was beyond him, but he'd take what miracles he could. He turned his attention to Luminous. Who was distracted doing magic. Both Oliver and Maria were focused on her. But if he could bring her speed down they'd have an even better chance. Getting a touch on a speedster was hard. And it never seemed to last as long as it could on others. But it would give them an opening. He moved carefully and found a spot. He touched it and let out a good blast of his paralytic. Luminous slowed down. Anyone else, and they probably would have collapsed.