[hider=Maverick Hunter, 17th Elite Unit] [center] [img]http://www.sprites-inc.co.uk/files/X/Titles/X1.gif[/img] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/73/MegamanXcharacter.png[/img] [hr] [b]Game Origin:[/b] Mega Man X [hr] [b]Personality:[/b] Despite being designed as a weapon of war, X has a remarkably pacifistic personality. He detests violence and will always attempt to avoid it whenever possible. He's never fought a single Maverick that he hasn't at least tried to reason with first. X's strong sense of mercy and justice came from a 30 year long testing and diagnostics phase, resulting in a much more reinforced personality than many of the robots who would come after him. This renders him uniquely immune to the the corrupting effects of the Sigma Virus as well as the temptation to ever go Maverick. However, he holds no tolerance for injustice and takes his quest for peace very seriously. In times of conflict, he is a hot-blooded warrior who is compelled by his emotions over logic.[/center] [hider=Background]Mega Man X was the very last and greatest creation of Dr. Thomas Light. Dr. Light had already spent a number of years innovating and perfecting his robot designs, none more so than his surrogate children, Mega Man and Roll. During these years, he had outfit Mega Man with a number of combat capabilities in order to put a stop to the sinister plans of Light's former colleague, Dr. Albert Wily. After many battles against Dr. Wily, Dr. Light began work on what would eventually be his final creation. The robot was based strongly on Mega Man - bearing similar colors and weaponry - and was later named Mega Man X. Unlike any of Dr. Light's robots, X was designed with a highly advanced artificial intelligence that granted him complete self-awareness. He would be able to think, feel, and make decisions much like a human rather than based on any computer programming. But the undertaking, Dr. Light realized, would take decades - well beyond the Doctor's lifespan. Knowing this, Dr. Light prepared a special stasis capsule that would continue run tests on X even after his eventual passing. Dr. Light also included a great number of viral counter-measures that he calculated would ensure X would never succumb to any virus or malicious programming, as well as a number of capsules that would contain more advanced weapon and armor data that would be compatible with X and scattered them all over the world in secluded hiding places. He then recorded a final message to X, wishing him well and his hopes that X would use his unlimited ability of choice to fight for peace in the future. On September 18, 20XX, X was sealed away for what was originally intended to be 30 years. But unfortunately, things did not go entirely according to Dr. Light's plan. X remained sealed for much longer than originally intended. A full 100 years would pass before X was finally discovered and unsealed by scientist Dr. Cain in the year 21XX. Though not a robotics expert, Cain was amazed by X's specifications, as even a hundred years later they were still well beyond anything the world had ever seen. And with these details as well as direct help from X, Dr. Cain developed the next generation of robots that would come to called Reploids. However, the Reploids never received the same degree of ethical testing as X and due to this oversight - in addition to other malfunctions - more and more Reploids began acting strangely, even prone to becoming violent. These dangerous Reploids would be called "Mavericks" and more Maverick incidents occurred, the government and Dr. Cain founded the Maverick Hunters as a way of policing Maverick activity. Among the Maverick Hunters was a Reploid named Sigma, considered by many to be Dr. Cain's most powerful creation. He served as the commander of the Maverick Hunters and became a legend in his own right. Meanwhile, X remained unsure of what his place in this world would be. And then, on June 4, 21XX, the world changed forever. The former commander Sigma turned Maverick after investigating a [url=https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Zero]mysterious sleeping robot[/url]. He then began a worldwide Reploid rebellion bent on eradicating humankind. X felt responsible for this tragic turn of events, and thus he requested to join the Maverick Hunters - now led by Zero after Sigma's treason - to help put a stop to the conflict. X and Zero fought together in multiple conflicts against Sigma that would come to be known as the Maverick Wars. With the most recent conflict sparking from Sigma's infiltration of Repliforce - initially intended to help deter Maverick activity only for the Repliforce itself to be labeled Mavericks after they were blamed for attacking the Sky Lagoon. This resulted in a [url=https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Great_Repliforce_War]brief war[/url] between the Maverick Hunters and the Repliforce, which was then discovered to be a plot by Sigma to weaken both forces in order for him to attack humanity. It was in the aftermath of this conflict that Galeem's tendrils found their way into X's world. The Maverick Hunters still operate in the World of Light, although their numbers have been reduced substantially. They're based out of Sector 8 in Midgar, their reduced numbers and influence has since required the previously Reploid-only organization to accept human members. Those humans were apart of a company called Maverick Security Consultancy, and so now the two organizations are effectively merged. The Reploids focusing on the Maverick Hunting side of things, while the humans tend to focus on the Security Consulting side of things.[/hider] [center][b]Specialty:[/b] Ranged Attack[/center] [center][b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Experience:[/b] 0/10[/center] [center][b]Powers:[/b][/center] [list] [*] [b][url=https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Fourth_Armor]Fourth Armor:[/url][/b] An upgrade to X's armor and weapon received from a set of four Dr. Light Capsules that were recovered during the Great Repliforce War. The body armor halves all battle damage done to X and allows him to use the Nova Strike - a rushing, invincible, damage-inducing dash attack with limited energy that recharges over time. The leg armor allows him to perform a midair dash as well as hover for a short period. The arm cannon part allows X to charge his X-Buster up to a third level, producing a Plasma Charge Shot that fades away gradually upon impact to allow it deal extra lingering damage. The third-level charge can also be used with any Special Weapon acquired from defeating Mavericks in order to produce a more powerful variant of the weapon attack at the cost of consuming more weapon energy than normal. And the helmet part contains an energy recycling system that allows X to use uncharged special weapons without consuming any weapon energy. X is also equipped with his normal arsenal consisting of a ground level dash useful for evasion or for adding a little extra speed and height to jumps for increased momentum, the ability to cling to walls in order descend from them slowly or even to climb his way up them, and his iconic Arm Cannon that can fire weak rapid shots or be charged up to two levels (three with the Fourth Armor) for a more powerful shot called the X-Buster. [/list] [center][b]Strengths:[/b][/center] [list] [*] [b]Variable Weapon System:[/b] Just like his predecessor, X is capable of absorbing data from a defeated Maverick to allow him to copy one of their weapons and use it for himself. The color of X's armor will change depending on the special weapon that is equipped, and each special weapon has their own limited energy capacity that is consumed in order for the weapon to be fired. [*] [b]Maverick Hunter HQ:[/b] A fully stocked and staffed HQ that acts as X's main support structure. Through their [url=https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Teleportation]Transerver[/url], X can be freely teleported to and from HQ - though in order to return X must remain motionless long enough for the Transerver to lock onto his coordinates, meaning he can't be teleported during the heat of battle. Within HQ, X's life energy and weapon energy can be fully replenished and he can also switch between whatever armor variants he has unlocked. Finally, HQ is also home to the Navigators. These invaluable Reploids remain in almost constant contact with X in order to provide him much needed intel for whatever mission he is on. X usually works with 3 specific Navigators: [url=https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Alia]Alia[/url], who specializes in programming language and data analysis - allowing her to analyze and complete the upgrades obtained from Dr. Light Capsules; [url=https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Layer]Layer[/url], who specializes in Reploid and Mechaniloid development - allowing her to analyze enemy strengths, weaknesses, and patterns; and [url=https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Pallette]Pallette[/url], who specializes in cartography and route analysis in order to help X find hidden areas or structural irregularities and weaknesses in the areas his missions take him to. [*] [b]Reploid:[/b] Because X is a machine and not a human, he does not require air or sustenance to survive. This allows him to travel very lightly and explore underwater areas indefinitely without fear of drowning. His reinforced mechanical body can also easily withstand the pressure of deep undersea levels as well as the vacuum of space. [/list] [center][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/center] [list] [*] [b]Maverick Hunter HQ:[/b] The HQ can sometimes be a bane as much as it is a boon. The aforementioned flaw in the Transerver system would be one of them. But there's also the fact that the Transerver requires a recharge time in between uses, specifically for return teleportations. This means that once X is sent out there is a required period of time that must pass before he can be brought back, so he must choose what equipment to take with him carefully because he will stuck with that load-out for some time before he can be afforded an opportunity to make any changes to it. X also is of course beholden to whatever orders or restrictions that are placed on him for any given mission, even if he himself does not agree with them. [*] [b]Locked Arsenal:[/b] Although X is capable of wielding a variety of armors that grant different specializations or special weapons that grant a great deal of versatility, they must all be unlocked either by acquiring the data from Light Capsules or by finding and defeating Mavericks. [*] [b]Spikes:[/b] Like any Maverick or Robot Master, X too has a crippling weakness. In his case it's spike hazards. Whether it's spiked floors, spiked walls, or spiked ceilings - one touch can instantly deal crippling damage to X's life energy if not kill him outright. [/list] [center][b]Spirits:[/b][/center] [list] [*] None [/list] [center][b]Guest List:[/b][/center] [list] [*] [url=https://metalgear.fandom.com/wiki/Blade_Wolf]Blade Wolf[/url] [*] [url=https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Vile]Vile[/url] [*] [url=https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Copy_X]Copy X[/url] [/list] [center][b]Inventory:[/b][/center] [list] [*] Arm Cannon [*] Fourth Armor [*] [url=https://megaman.fandom.com/wiki/Sub_Tank]Sub Tank[/url] - An energy tank that can store excess life energy that X can use to heal himself with while in the field. It can be used infinitely but must have it's energy refilled between uses. [/list] [/hider] [@Lugubrious]