[h1][center][b][color=3CB371]The Final WillowClan Post[/color][/b][/center][/h1] [center]First of all, I want to thank all of you for sticking it out this far. I started this RP about 3 years ago and to be honest I didn’t think it would last this long. I know there were times where I didn’t post for a month at a time and I really appreciate everyone that stayed active through those times. I also really appreciate the people who played more than one character. The dynamic of the Clan was getting good and I liked the relationships that were forming. I’m sorry it’s ending here. Now, onto the plans I had for the plot and the deeper aspects of the characters. Felix, Otis and Heather are all ex-Clan cats, and those aren’t their real names either. “Felix” is an ex-WindClan cat named Ravenclaw, “Heather” is an ex-ShadlowClan cat named Ashwing, and “Otis” is an ex-ThunderClan cat named Oakfire. They stuck together after the 5 Clans by the lake disbanded because they were all friends across borders, with Ravenclaw obviously having affections for Ashwing. Ravenclaw was exiled from WindClan not long before the Clans fell for attempting to overthrow their leader. Because of this, and the systemic problems he saw in the Warrior Code and the Clan lifestyle, he is brimming with hatred for the entire concept of Clan life, and made an internal vow to destroy any trace of Clan life he came across. He convinced Ashwing and Oakfire to stay with him in their hunt for a new home partially due to their prior friendship, and partially due to his natural manipulative abilities. Oakfire and Ashwing DID at one point have genuine feelings of friendship towards Ravenclaw, but eventually his personality rotted away from the inside out and his urge to destroy the Clan’s way of life replaced it. Oakfire’s friendly and timid nature, and Ashwing’s passive manipulation of Ravenclaw’s feelings for her to remain secure were their only reasons for staying with him. The three strangers were going to ask Fernstar to stay with the Clan, which was a request Fernstar would initially deny because of the bad timing of them asking during a harsh leafbare. She would tell them to return when newleaf began, and was going to let them join the Clan but only if they agreed to train as apprentices. Obviously, this would raise a lot of tension in the ex-Clan cats and make it WAY harder for them to conceal their identities. They would obviously have to PRETEND to be bad at things like hunting and fighting and border patrolling which would not have been easy considering they had moons and moons of Warrior training. Ashwing once had a litter of kits that didn’t survive, and because of that, she has a strong desire to either have more kits or simply act as a Mother figure to someone else’s kit. I had planned for her to get close to Frogkit and eventually she was going to abandon Ravenclaw’s cause to destroy Clan life and stay with WillowClan long term. Oakfire, unfortunately, was a young Warrior when the Clans fell apart, not more than 6 moons past his ceremony. His disappointment about the life he wanted as a ThunderClan Warrior caused him to become timid and now struggles with a lack of ambition as he tries to come to grips with his new reality. When Fernstar accepted them into the Clan and they began “training” as apprentices, Oakfire was going to use this as an opportunity to get stronger as a Warrior and his personality and identity was going to re-emerge as he became more and more attached to the Clan. He would get caught between his friendship to Ravenclaw and his new love for WillowClan, eventually choosing WillowClan as well. He would also pursue Duskwing as his mate as this went on. Ravenclaw was also going to become close with Maplestream, slowly planting seeds of doubt in her mind about Clan life and taking advantage of her anxiety, in hopes she would turn against WillowClan and help him destroy it. However, she would not, and he would then kill her and drag her body into the rapids very early one freezing morning. The rest of the Clan would later figure this out and completely drive him from the territory, Oakfire and Ashwing helping them in this endeavor to prove their loyalty to their new Clan. Sunfur was going to take charge of training the rest of the Clan to hunt in the trees, working with Spidernose. Maplestream was sort of a minor character, and I was planning to have her mostly stick to herself and reveal more about her inner aspects and her relationship with Fernstar. When Moosepaw received his Warrior name, he would have been known as Moosewhisker. Again, I apologize the RP is ending here and I had a lot of fun writing with you guys while it lasted. I really hope you guys had a good time as well. Warrior cats has and always will have a special place in my heart and is my favorite book series and fandom to this day. I thank all of you for participating in this much loved hobby of mine with me.[/center]