[quote=@Gunther] I went fishing in Maine this summer. Haven't done that in years. I do not live on waterfront property. [/quote] I've grown up around a river, lakes and other waterways and still am in the area so I've gone fishing quite a bit. Usually it isn't nothing special, just things like catfish, bluegill, etc. that are pretty common throughout the Mississippi river basin/the Midwest. But as someone who tends to leans towards a pollo pescetarian diet (not exactly, but in a general sense whenever I choose/look for a meat protein) + just likes seafood in general, it's all good in the end. Also for anyone who is interested in trying to help out: https://choosecopi.com/ You might be able to find a distributor or a place serving Copi nearby, most places are located near Illinois since the effort is primarily spearheaded by the state. But there are some oddballs out there and stuff that might be in range of y'all.