When Vammy first thought of this place, she thought by "workshop" this place would havr more work benches and things of the sort but the more and more they explored, the more and more it seemed like some sort of dungeon with some odd humanoid experimentation. If she didnt have this demon inside her, she wondered if she'd feel disgusted by the thought alone, not to mention the disgustingly sweet smell in the air. If a look at Yuisa were anything to note, it is quite likely. As they reached the final floor, Vammy found herself looking toward two doors. One was sealed and likely locked door. She wondered if the key in her possession would open it but there was no visible lock. Thr other door, covered in vines, was likely where they nedded to go for the object the god had told them about. First though, she decided to check out the other door, curious a out the panel next to it. The demon even wondered if perhaps she could melt the hinges on the door to remove it but that seem silly. "Let's check this door out, Yuisa. Maybe it'll have some hidden treasure." She led the human servant of hers over to the door and looked around it a small bit, perhaps there was a secret keyhole that one could not see from afar. She'd poke at the panel, wondering what it was doing there. She half considered trying to heat the thing to a melting point but figured if there was a keyhole behind it that would be disadvantageous to it.