[hider=Audrey Robinson]Name: Audrey Robinson Age: 23 Gender(or lack thereof): Female What Makes You A Misfit?: She's well....A straight up witch hiding from the government Appearance(face claims are allowed, as well as just descriptions):[img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/0439b16a-05f8-40ef-b7fb-5e6488cb3758/dcfryc9-afea2071-63c1-439f-a9d9-91b432153f46.png/v1/fill/w_900,h_1500,strp/flowers_of_eden___dbh_oc_by_vogelfreyh_dcfryc9-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.frLiOvx11lP7tT5HJ8ZvYuiaFjKXYFB-gpLtlDVn3rs[/img] Personality: To her friends Audrey is as sweet as she can be and nurturing to everyone she considers dear to her. Whether they need a shoulder to cry on, someone to come to their defense, or just needing some support via encouraging words or a kick in the pants, she'll be there. That nurturing mentality also comes with a bit of playful cheekiness that comes out in the form of either sarcastic jokes or playful sass. She is the mom friend in almost every sense of the word and while she will not do everything a mother does, she worry about those closest to her. Aside from the doting mother part of her personality, she is quite the lover of sarcasm and facetiousness often choosing to a lot of situations with humor. Her sarcasm and facetiousness are only matched by her easy going nature which she maintains about seventy-five percent of the time. Skills/Abilities: Audrey's father used to take her and her brother hunting and fishing, so there's that. She is also not a slouch when it comes to cooking. Powers/Magic: Audrey's magic belongs to the abjuration side and can be noticed by the glowing of her sleeve tattoo. She can make magical barriers and shields that can be used for defense as well as support others by augmenting speed, strength, etc. through enchantments or by sabatouring someone with the same methods. She calls forth magical sigils that cover her or her allies in any direction she chooses, she can also block pathways and use her barriers in other unique ways as well. Her enchantments work by speaking either a single word or with a spell. The full blown spells tend to last longer than the single word ones. Backstory(Optional): Audrey grew up in a small town where everyone knew everyone and tourists or drifters were a very big deal. Trees were everywhere and the lakes were big and blue. She was the eldest daughter of two with her younger brother being just a baby when she was younger. She was fifteen when she discovered she had magic after defending one of her friends from a bear attack while out at the lake. Normally bears wouldn't bother anyone unless given reason to and unfortunately this bear had reason. There was a cave by the lake that had recently been moved into unbeknownst to them and unfortunately the cave was by the lake. They were in its territory and it attacked. This was around the time when the government had started cracking down on magical beings and around the time when her whole life would change. That night her parents got a phone call and were told about what her daughter had done and what would happen next. The rest of the night as Audrey would hate to remember it would be filled with screaming, arguing, crying, and lots of angry outbursts. Instead of sticking up for their daughter, they decided to give her up out of fear. While the government wasted no time in getting there, they would find her already gone. She had escaped out her window and made her way to the bus station. She would spend the next seven years on the run RP Sample(Optional; helps me to see a glimpse of how your character acts): "Fuck"! She shouted as she sprinted down the alley way. "There she is, you better count your blessings while they last girlie, your lucks gonna run out soon enough" To be chased by a group of muggers was bad enough, but to be chased by muggers who found out she could use magic was even worse. "The government's gonna pay us a fortune for handing you over" They screamed. Audrey flew past the narrow path knocking down as much stuff to try and slow them down all the while cursing herself out in her head and out of her head. "Great plan Audrey, you stupid jackass! Use magic, cause it's worked out for you SO many times". She was lucky they hadn't just called the police and told them what they were chasing after, she would have had had to deal with evading the police as well as the agents they sent. After what seemed like a while of running, she came to a fork in the alley way "almost free, almost free" "She can't have gotten far, find her!" She heard them shout. She had no time to think and cut left down the path, but before she did, she thought about leaving them a little present. She waved her hands circularly and extended them forward as the tattoo sleeve on her arm glowed bringing forth a barrier that blocked the path. The barrier wouldn't last all day, but it would give her time to increase the lead she had on her pursuers. She bolted as fast as she could down the path and eventually lead her into a crowded area "Perfect" she exclaimed to herself. If there was one thing she learned from being on the run, it was how to hide in plain sight. She took off full sprint into the crowd and hoped for the best as she made her way slowly through the sea of people.[/hider]