[quote]It was a Jousting Tournament; The "Mighty Tournament". Herald Harold Harmony approached the middle of the Jousting Field that had a divider extend 419 FT either straight. At a circus stand he stood upon a MIC hoisted down from the canopy behind him full of Guests and Clerks. "Travelling about the Earth searching for two Challengers or two Opponents, the Mighty Tournament sought all Motorcycle Drivers with a tendancy for being bad to the bone, ludicrous, remarkable, haughty, mighty, vengeful, valiant, venomous, or voluptuous, among many other creeds and honors risen of the street, the valleys, the Borroughs! Today my Folks, Husbands and Wives, Ladies and Noblemen, husbandry Gentlemen, Ladies-In-Waiting, Fellows, Brauds, Dames, Justiciars, Royalists, and more!- LETT'S GEET RRREADY TO RUUUUUUMMMMBBBBLLLEEEEE ! ! ! !!!!!!!! [/quote] This is what I have planned so far. I need your words inputted, [@BangoSkank].