Mina felt like she couldn’t breathe, she was sure that she was going to lose the duel. She had not been drawing a lot of good cards, and what cards she did play were quickly snuffed out by her opponent. She was mentally preparing herself for the loss, and the consequences that would follow, but when it finally came, nothing seemed to happen. opening her eyes, she noticed she did not end up like the others. Neither did Helena, for that matter, though something else seemed to be wrong. Helena, along with Pine, was unconscious. “[i][color=662d91]Shit.[/color][/i]” She ran to Helena. She came to a stop beside her, crouching down to get a closer look. “[color=662d91][i]Hi, are you okay?[/i][/color]” She shook Helena, thinking that shaking her would be able to wake her up. She was not sure if the academy had a hospital, but there was the school nurse. Mina thought the nurse could try to help her and Pine, though they might also end up in trouble for breaking curfew. She placed two fingers on Helena's neck, thanking the big man in the sky she was breathing. She announced it to the others, and the ones who still weren't possessed were relieved. Mina wanted to help Helena get medical attention, in case she needed it, but she was curious about the spirits still duelling. What would happen if Kaison and Leo lost? She was paralyzed by indecision, monitoring both the duel and Helena worriedly until the duel came to a close, luckily without Helena's condition getting any worse. Sina went ahead and volunteered to carry Helena back, so Mina went ahead and started walking towards the source of the pillar, along with the others. About halfway there, they found a creepy looking well, and a bit further, an equally creepy looking machine. Making her way toward the machine, she felt a cold wind beating against her body. It was unnerving being here, but for some reason, she could not help but feel drawn to it.