Jay couldn't help but freeze as the coachman peeled off, arm half-raised as if he could've stopped the coach by such an action alone. Had he been recognized? What an awful feeling, to be recognized when you didn't recognize the other person. And now he wouldn't know, not for a good long while if ever at all. He lowered his arm, took a deep breath, and turned to follow the group who apparently agreed with his plan to investigate the settlement. The prisoner, Rish, discussed getting a vantage point and Mira mentioned how the smoke could indicate something dangerous. "[color=fff79a]I hadn't thought of that,[/color]" he spoke softly, a blush rising to his ears. He and Burt could've walked right into danger. "[color=fff79a]Thank you.[/color]" For being there, he supposed. For having enough sense that their curiosity hadn't blinded them. He followed behind the three, thinking about what each hoped to gain. Burt had already explained himself; Rish didn't seem to have a choice; Mira and Laudy Aur were both a bit of a mystery, but then again, they maybe just didn't feel ready to disclose their reasons. Jay would not push them. No, he'd push a bit of a more dangerous subject. "[color=fff79a]If I may, why did the elves send you out here?[/color]" he addressed Rish. Just vague enough that if Rish did not wish to explain, he wouldn't have to. Jay hoped he might but wasn't counting on it. He considered and then tacked on an extra question. "[color=fff79a]Did they expect you to make a new life out here?[/color]" Or to die, the question went unasked but was present all the same.