[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/76/4a/17/764a17628ce1c00e9873a46346583076.jpg[/img] [h1][color=0054a6]Hades[/color][/h1] [/center] Hades looked around his throne room and could help but smile in satisfaction at everything before him. The rather overly sized dining table was moved out and placed before the throne room to accommodate their guests who slowly began to trickle in and converse amongst themselves. It was so rare that he had visitors to his realm for much other than quest, but any time he had to shove it to his brothers he would gladly take it. Hades was ripped from his thoughts as he felt Persephone's hand touch his for a moment as she leaned closer [color=a4ac92]“Have you seen the Children dear?” [/color] she asked in a worried tone. Hades turned to his wife with a reassuring smile[color=0054a6] “I'm sure their fine Zag is probably just….” [/color] Hades paused for a moment as his mind couldn't form the words he knew he was supposed to say. Something was wrong, something was deeply wrong and Hades could feel it in his core but couldn't quite put his finger exactly on it. Almost on cue all noise in the hall ceased at once causing Hades head to snap to the side just in time to see the hall itself fade away to darkness. [color=0054a6] “What is this? What is happening? Persephone?” [/color] Startled Hades turned to his wife who seemed unfazed about the very underworld around them fading away. [color=a4ac92] “What are you confused about my love? You did this after all.” [/color] As she finished her sentence her very body seemed to morph into rose petals before they withered and dispersed revealing the lifeless bodies of his two children. Hades, unable to control himself, collapsed to his knees as he hung over their body, a deep sorrow filling him as his whole body slouched in defeat. [i]Tick….. Tick….. Tick….. Tick….. [/i] Hades could feel his blood pressure rise with each tick that echoed throughout the empty void that surrounded him. Each progressive tick echoed louder and louder as they seemed to bounce off walls he couldn't see nor did he care to. He didn't care what the sound was or where it came from, all that mattered was his dead son laying before him. The ticking sound reached a crescendo that felt as though it was going to split his head wide open before it was cut short, being replaced by an eerie silence. Hades' eyes only moved as he saw a pair of shoes that seemed familiar come into view just on the other side of his. He was confused for a moment before a chill went down his spine when the being finally spoke. [color=0072bc]“No need to put on this show for me. I know you're secretly glad to be rid of the brat once and for all.” [/color] Hades immediately shot to his and took a step back in fear, something he couldn't remember having done in his long life. Standing before him was a perfect copy of himself down to the last detail. [color=0054a6] “Who are you? Why are you here?” [/color] Hades yelled through a shaky voice a far cry from his usual imposing self. The copycat before him smiled wickedly upon hearing his question,[color=0072bc] “You already know the answer to those questions. That's why you still haven't responded to my last statement. You know it's true.” [color=0054a6]“Are you mad? That is my son. My only son!” [/color] Hades finished as he pointed to the ground where his son once laid only to see it vanished. [color=0054a6] “No no where is he? Where is my son? Where have you taken him?” [/color] Hades shouted, Anger and frustration filling his voice. “He's gone and you know that.” [/color] the figure stated as the two began to circle each other like predators waiting to pounce. “I'll say it again, you're glad he’s gone, admit it. Now he doesn't pose a threat to your rule. You're only mad you didn't do it yourself.” [/color] Hades had heard enough as he rushed forward grabbing at the imposter's suit which merely faded away into smoke like the wearer before reforming a safe distance behind Hades. [color=0054a6] “What monster do you take me for? You think I would kill my own son to keep power!?”[/color] Hades screamed. The figure before him brushed off his suit with an annoyed expression on his face. [color=0072bc] “Of course I do. Your son would have usurped you just as you did to your father and he to his own father and so on.” [/color] the wicked smile returned on the man's face causing Hades' stomach to twist. [color=0054a6] “I'm not my father. He was an evil tyrant of a man who cared nothing for anyone, not even his own children.”[/color] [color=0072bc]“And you're any different? You let two of your children die alone and you don't even know where the third one is. Who knows maybe your [i] Precious [/i] wife will get it next. Though in her circumstance it would probably be a blessing rather than a tragedy.” [/color] He paused for a second seeing Hades' face before continuing. [color=0072bc] “Don't look at me like that, it's not as if the feeling is mutual between you two.”[/color] As the figure finished his sentence Hades' hands passed through him once again having failed to grab the figure's throat. [color=0054a6]“Don't you dare talk of my wife in such a manner do you hear me! Ill rip you apart where you stand for such remarks.” [/color] [color=0072bc]“Please, you know she could never truly love you. You're the very monster that kidnapped her from her own mother and friends and forced her to marry you and then trapped her inside your realm for half the year.” [/color] [color=0054a6]“I never forced her to marry me. The pomegranates were her idea. I have shown her nothing but respect and love since the day I met her.”[/color] Hades snapped back attempting to disprove the statements of the doppelganger. [color=0072bc]“Only after you trapped her in your castle and refused to give her up. What was she supposed to do? Deny one of the three Kings? Even now she only stays with you out of fear and dread of what might happen if she leaves. Not that I blame you of course it was the logical move. You saw something and you took it just as a god should. Just like I would have done.”[/color] The void around them seemed to tremble at Hades' silent hurry with his eyes glowing a deep reddish orange, a tell-tale sign of his anger boiling over beyond the point of control. [color=0054a6] “Don't you dare speak of my wife in such a way. You are not worthy to say her name. But I will make you apologize just before I end your pathetic existence.”[/color] The figure before him simply rolled his eyes as a small laugh escaped his lips before an evil smile returned on the face he shared with Hades. [color=0072bc] “It's not like you could even if you tried. Even at the height of your power it took all of you backstabbers to seal me away in that prison.” [i]Tick….. Tick….. Tick….. Tick….. [/i] [color=0072bc]“It seems we're almost out of time but quite your tantrum. I expect such things from your brothers but i always figured you would be above it, you certainly act like you are. But we both know the truth, don't we son.” As he spoke Kronus stepped towards his eldest son placing a hand on his shoulder and leaning close to his ear. [color=0072bc] “You….. are…. Just …. like ….[b]ME[/b].” [/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Hades awoke his head shot up from its resting position on his desk where he had apparently passed out. Though he had a raging headache Hades hand immediately went to the shoulder that his father had grabbed. As his hand rested on the shoulder he felt a chill run down his spine as the words he had just heard began to set in. Standing from his desk Hades began to exit his office before stopping just in the door to turn and look towards the large Grandfather clock that stood against the wall. [color=0054a6] “I'm nothing like you.”[/color] he said in a stern voice that hid the slightest bit of doubt before closing the door behind him. [i]Tick….. Tick….. Tick….. Tick….. [/i]