[center]Nyoko and Kaeru[/center] [@Raineh Daze][@Zeroth][@PKMNB0Y] [hr] Kaeru's foot slammed itself into the 'face' of a grudge, the young boy following through with a forward movement and delivering a strong jab right into its mid section. The shadowy creature fell to its knees, just as a second came up and made a futile attempt to swipe at Kaeru. His martial arts might nowhere be near the level to do anything superhuman really, or fancy, but this level? Well, he could certainly manage. He caught the grudge's wrist, hooking it under his armpit. He grabbed it, sinking fingers into its shadowy flesh and slamming it into the ground. "Aaha, what's the matter, I expected more!" A swift dodge to the left, a retaliating punch to the creatures midsection. As long as they were focused on him and slowed by Kaeru, this would be easy. Almost disappointingly easy, really. It was a shame then...they had decided to throw their attention elsewhere. "Eh? What gives? You guys all running from cute little 'ol me?" He'd laugh, though his eyes narrowed at the figures as they instead, decided to run towards the blob, spurned on by Sato's flames and the Youkai anchoring it. "...Kaeru." Nyoko had stopped her dancing. Slowing the grudges were only going to get them so far. "I think...it wants to absorb them?" "Geh, guess I shouldn't be surprised this freak of nature wants to absorb more freaks of nature..." He was hoping to save his own resonance for later, but someone probably should help the newbie. "Nyoko, slowing them down won't work! Lets get something a little more...pointy! "Mhm, on it." Nyoko clapped her hands, a resounding clap echoing through the area as she'd begin another dance. Vigorous aggressive movements. From Mai, to Odori, she'd leap, spin and another clap, and as her hands parted, a large skeletal creature crawled its way out of the ground below, looking something akin to an old, large samurai wearing traditional armor, broken and rotten in some areas, but with a blade as sharp and gleaming as any masterwork. With an exhale and a downward movement of her arm, the undead warrior sliced its blade into the shadowy blobs flesh where it was trying to envelop Kyozan. This, though, had the effect of releasing the hold the lesser spirits had on the grudges still about, but Kaeru was still working to thin the herd as he could.