[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/558670401048412183/1055330150130126872/E4180160-0019-410B-A1F4-E30A5629D428.png[/img] [right][sub]location: Pasi’s Apartment interactions: [color=a187be]Isabel[/color], [color=FF69B4]Aphrodite[/color], [color=8f99fb]Pasithea[/color] mentions: [color=ED1C24]Ares[/color], [color=f7976a]Psyche[/color], [color=#295751]Hati[/color] [@KZOMBI3][/sub][/right][hr] ‘You have reached your destination.’ [color=silver]The GPS announced Isabel’s arrival at the apartment. To say she was entirely lucid at this point was a lie. Darkness was already creeping in from the edges of her vision. If a cop had seen her driving he would’ve tried to pull her over for sure. [color=a187be]“We’re here.”[/color] Isabel muttered as she opened her car door, forgetting entirely that her passenger didn’t speak English. Still, she managed to stand up and limp up towards the apartment building. This time she didn’t need to think about it, the concierge at the front desk was eyeing her with absolute suspicion. With tired eyes she scanned the intercom, searching for the right number. Eventually, she found the button behind which temporary respite laid. She pushed – and left a bloody mark - on the button calling Miss Chalaróste. Aphrodite stared at the mark left behind, not saying anything for the sake of the woman’s pride but she was concerned for the mortal. Blood was never a good sign and she was pushing herself too hard, something was going to snap….well, more so than attacking other mortals. Either way, she wasn’t sure what they were waiting for by a random wall until that same wonderfully sweet but nervous voice appeared from the box instead of through the phone, though the strange language was getting annoying. [color=8f99fb]”I-I’ll buzz you in, j-just take the elevator up.”[/color] She waited for Isabel to guide her, sticking close behind and getting ready to catch the young woman if she keeled over because she was positive it was inevitable at this point. Stubbornness seemed to be a strong trait of Ares because Aphro was now convinced it no longer was from her side in the equation of their offspring while observing one that was not her own. The ride up was a silent one, the silence comfortable as they headed to see the one she viewed as her adoptive daughter even if she was related to her past paramour. Many floors above, Pasithea was a nervous wreck at the sight through the camera of who had delivered Aphrodite to her. She didn’t like to deal with those of Ares’s blood and there was no missing it in the other woman’s face. She had spent enough time as a pretend mortal and immortal to know one a mile away. The woman looked weak though and she had gone through the trouble to reunite her with someone she viewed as precious. She couldn’t turn her away no matter how much she wished to. [color=white][i]’I’m too nice for my own good. This is gonna be a freaking mess…[/i][/color], she groaned in her thoughts as she physically rubbed her hands over her face before hugging herself for comfort. She paced back and forth on repeat until she heard a knock, taking a deep breath to try and steel her nerves for what she was going to have to face. Isabel rode the elevator clinging to staying conscious for dear life. Her breathing got shallow. In the elevator. She zipped up her coat, it was getting cold. Still, just a strong coffee would be enough to get her going. All she needed was some fluids and she’d go back out to find her father. The elevator announced her and the goddess’ arrival on the right floor. Despite her state, she could still find the right door and knocked on it hard. The door opened slowly, a soft smiling Pasithea on the other end as she moved to the side to allow them entrance. She understood that Aphrodite wouldn’t understand English at this point and simply gestured them inside, gasping as she was engulfed momentarily in a warm hug. One that caused a soft blush on her cheeks as she returned it gently before pulling back. [color=8f99fb]”Χαίρομαι που σε βλέπω και πάλι.”[/color] (I’m glad to see you again.) [color=FF69B4]”Κι εγώ εσύ, κρίνο μου λευκό.”[/color] (And I you, my lily white.) [color=8f99fb]”Λοιπόν, ποια είναι η νέα σου... γνωριμία?”[/color] (So, who’s your new...acquaintance?) [color=FF69B4]”Πού είναι οι τρόποι μου! Πασιθέα, αυτή είναι η Ισαβέλ, κόρη του Άρη. Πραγματικά, αγαπητέ, πρέπει να ξέρεις την ανιψιά σου…”[/color] (Where are my manners! Pasithea, this is Isabel, daughter of Ares. Really, dear, you must know your niece…) Pasithea lightly frowned, holding the bridge of her nose for a moment to get herself under control instead of stating the fact that she might know if Ares didn’t enjoy secrets so much, plus it wasn’t like she wanted to be a part of Ares’s life or his children or at least the more violent ones. It was at least good that it was confirmed on who she was dealing with and not just having a strong guess. She also didn’t want to debate with Aphrodite again about her half-brother. Instead, she moved around the pair, eyeing Isabel cautiously as she closed the door behind them before facing the other woman head on.[color=8f99fb]”P-Pleasure to meet you, Isabel. N-Now, why don’t we all have a seat and t-then I will take a look at that leg of yours. W-We can have a cup of tea while I work.”[/color], she said softly, trying to keep her powers in check as she tried to lead them to the living room. The sooner she took care of Isabel and got Aphrodite settled in, the sooner she could work out what to do next and see which of Aphro’s children might be right to get into contact with. They were going to want to know about their mothers sudden appearance. There was also someone else she needed to contact and the goddess before her wasn’t going to like it. [color=a187be]“No need.”[/color] Isabel said as she held up her hand, in response for both the tea and the aid. If she sat down now she was fairly sure she wasn’t going to get up again in a few hours. That was unacceptable. Normally she would’ve looked Pasithea up and down and judged her before the woman even spoke. Right now she couldn’t even think what Pasithea was the goddess of. She was getting far too tired. Carrying along the weight of the gun didn’t help, so she pulled it out and tossed it on one of the raised surfaces around. [color=a187be]“I just need… a coffee.”[/color] By now Isabel was gritting her teeth. Why was she feeling so tired right now!? It was weakness. She hated weakness. She was hating herself for getting weak. Her father never got weak. When he was home he would work out in the gym through the entire night. She heard him yelling through the pain of exertion. Why couldn’t she do that? She was his daughter! Instead, she felt the growing, aching pain in her leg breaking her down. Her own body was betraying her and she hated it for that. Isabel might not have been able to look her up and down in judgment but that didn’t stop Pasithea from doing so to her. She was just as confusing as half of Ares' children but there was a trick she used when dealing with stubbornness. It wouldn’t take much from the look of it to lull the woman into sleep or at least to be a bit more compliant though she hated to use her powers without Isabel’s permission, but it was the only way that she would be able to help. Her half-brother never seemed to seek help when he needed it most and while it had advantages, it was also his downfall in many ways. Pasithea smiled, clasping her hands together with a small nod. [color=8f99fb]”Coffee, of course. How do you like it?”[/color], she asked as she let her powers flow freely, trying to let the poor woman relax as well as take control of the situation while letting Isabel feel like she was the one in control and not Pasi. [color=FF69B4]”Τι συζητάτε εσείς οι δύο?”[/color] (What are you two prattling about?) [color=8f99fb]”Απλά ρωτάω για τις προτιμήσεις ποτών. Θα πάω στην κουζίνα για να τα μαστιγώσω όλα μαζί, όσο εσείς οι δύο θα είστε στο σπίτι.”[/color] (Just asking about drink preferences. I'll go into the kitchen to whip everything together while you two make yourself at home.), Pasi answered smoothly, not taking her eyes off Isa as she did. She could hear Aphrodite moving to lounge on the couch, drifting into a relaxed and inviting position much like in the old days when she served the woman along with some of the other charities. She wished that it had just been the two of them, able to reminisce on the past and catch up without prying eyes or ears but things never seemed to be simple. [color=a187be]“Black.”[/color] Isabel said in a meek voice. Something was happening. The tension that kept Isabel together began to ebb away. In its place came fragility. It felt as if she was getting sick. Was it one of the goddesses? Isabel was no stranger to being influenced by them. Even if it wasn’t them, the weird, siren call of the couch didn’t sing to her until she stepped into the apartment. [color=a187be]“This was a mistake.”[/color] She mumbled. Her eyelids felt heavy and her head was spinning. [color=a187be]“I need to go.”[/color] She managed to get out as she reached for her gun. This place wasn’t right. It wasn’t right. At this rate she wouldn’t be able to search for her father anymore. She needed to get out. With small steps she made her way toward the door. Pasithea bit her lip, debating on if she should be the bigger person and stop her or if she should selfishly take the out she had been given. [color=white][i]’I must have something wrong with me…’[/i][/color], she thought to herself before getting ready to sign herself up for some punishment, possible gun shot and all. [color=8f99fb]”I really don’t think you should be w-wandering around aimlessly in your c-current state. Frankly, I-I’m surprised you made it here at all. Why not have some coffee and get into a better place physically?”[/color], Pasi said, trying to convince the other to stay. Aphrodite frowned, noticing the talking and being ignored yet again but most of all it was Isabel trying to leave. This girl was going to be the death of her or at least her patience. She could only imagine what Ares might say if she let his mortal daughter gallivant after him the way she looked now. He had always been protective of what was his after all. She stood up from her quite comfy position, marching beyond both women to stand in front of the door with her arms crossed. Her eyes narrowed at the two, her irritation coming to a full head and her patience thin. [color=FF69B4]”Πού νομίζεις ότι πας; Δεν θα σε κατηγορήσω για το πείσμα σου δεσποινίς. Μπορεί να μην μπορείτε να δείτε την κατάσταση στην οποία βρίσκεστε, αλλά δεν είμαι καθόλου τυφλός. Ξέρω ότι θέλεις να βρεις τον πατέρα σου, αλλά δεν είναι αυτός ο τρόπος. Τώρα καθίστε, αποδεχτείτε ευγενικά ό,τι προσφέρεται και μετά θα διαμορφώσουμε ένα σχέδιο δράσης.”[/color] (Where do you think you are going? I will not be blamed for your stubbornness young lady. You might not be able to see the state you are in but I am far from blind. I know you wish to find your father but this is not the way. Now, have a seat, graciously take what is being offered, and then we will formulate a plan of action.), she stated, pausing for a moment before angerly adding, [color=FF69B4]”Επίσης, απαιτώ να αποφύγετε οι δυο σας να με αφήσετε έξω από την κουβέντα!”[/color] (I also demand that you two refrain from leaving me out of the conversation!) [color=a187be]“I’m fine!”[/color] Isabel screamed. Something snapped in her. Someone else had called her out. She was weak and people could see it now. [color=a187be]“I’m fine! I don’t need help! I never needed help!”[/color] What did this goddess know of her plight anyway!? She wouldn’t roam aimlessly. She’d find the clues. She’d find her father! How could she ever rest without finding her father!? She turned around only to see Aphrodite standing in front of the door with her arms crossed. Isabel could only understand snippets of the Greek the goddess of beauty gave. She heard something about stubbornness, something about this not being how it’s done, taking a seat and finally, in an angry tone, something about not wanting to be left out of the conversation. None of it mattered to Isabel right now. Stopping, waiting, it was all useless. None of it would do her father any good. [color=a187be]“Out of my way!”[/color] She returned. Her tone was a mixture of anger and frustration. She took one step towards Aphrodite, ready to pull her out of the way if need be. It broke the camel’s back. Her leg buckled. Like a graceless sack of potatoes, Isabel collapsed. She let out a scream. Pain shocked her system. It was coming from everywhere now. She immediately began to cry. Then she screamed against the floor. It was a scream of pure frustration. But after that she bit through the pain. She grabbed the back of the couch and pulled herself up from the floor. Something as trivial as this pain would not defeat her. She couldn’t let it. How could she ever face her father if she knew she failed here? How could he ever be proud of her? How could he ever love her again? She was not going to give up, so she took another step. But her legs refused to carry her. She fell again. Aphrodite hadn’t flinched in the face of anger and frustration, standing her ground even before the failed step. She had fights with Ares, with her children, with other immortals and she was still here. She might not be the best physically but she knew how to get her point across and would willingly put herself in harms way for what she wanted. She watched the screaming in disapproval, chalking it up to the snap she had been waiting for and now let the tantrum ensue as she would a toddler. If she had just listened to her in the first place, she wouldn’t be in this position now. Aphro wished to have a seat and relax once more while being spoiled by Pasithea but she wasn’t about to trust Isabel to think straight and not attempt to leave again if she got enough energy to do so which had Aphro planted firmly at the door, leaning against it while waiting to see the next outcome. Pasithea on the other hand was more empathetic and felt herself ache at watching the scene unfold before her. She hated seeing Aphrodite upset, her features so much more dazzling when she smiled and also one less person being smited was always a plus because that was the look she normally gave before trouble started. She also hated seeing someone push themselves to the brink and for Ares no less but it just showed that the wilted woman before her thought that highly of her father and loved him dearly. She couldn’t fault that. She loved her father just as dearly and would face any danger or trail to help him but she also knew when to get help. It was a surprise that something had happened to Ares but Aphrodite had promised to fill her in on the details of her return which should include the extra information. For now though, she knelt down beside the woman slightly crumpled on the floor, gently taking her arm with strong guiding hands as she looped it over her shoulder to help Isabel stand before focusing them to move toward the couch. She inwardly cringed at the blood stain she might have to deal with but that was a future her problem. Pasi wasn’t sure if she was going to have a fight either but she was stronger than she looked, at least when going up against a wounded mortal or part mortal. The mortal didn’t resist. Couldn’t resist. At least not physically. The pain had finally reduced her to a sobbing mess. She felt useless. Weak. Slow. Everything she hated in life. Everything she knew her father hated too. [color=a187be]“I-I have to.. I have to..”[/color] she kept saying, breathless. [color=a187be]“I can’t be… useless. Weak. Dad.. is still.. Missing.”[/color] But then she was laid out on the couch and the darkness took her. Aphrodite was relieved when Isabel was finally out for the count, lazily pushing off the closed door to resume her previous lounge position as she watched Pasithea flitter about. The rustling in the other room had the goddess figuring that the sweet flower was preparing refreshments and working out each step to keep the two safe and relaxed. When she entered once more, she knelt before Isabel, working on the wound if she had any thoughts on the matter but she felt her eyes heavy. The room around her was already wavering between reality and illusion, the other goddesses power pulling at her to the past. It was much more pleasant to let herself relax into sleep than re-live a possible nightmare. Pasithea washed the blood off her hands, drying them with a hand towel in her kitchen as she turned off the screaming kettle with a frown. She had stitched up Isabel once more, the fresh stitching having come undone which had been the mortal's ultimate issue and now both her guests were sleeping. She had hidden the gun that Isabel brought, not wanting it used upon her if Isa woke up in good shape and bad mood. Ares could be in trouble and one of her visitors was concerned enough that Pasi couldn’t just ignore it. There were few she knew to be on the case of the murders and some not the biggest fan of the war god or those she didn’t know. If the disappearance was part of all this, then someone needed to know and be on the lookout. She had to be careful that they wouldn’t come here either as she wanted to keep Aphrodite safe. She pulled out her phone, biting her lip as she looked at the unanswered message from yesterday and debated if it was worth texting again. Would he answer? Would he ignore her? Pasi shook her head, not letting fear get in the way or convince her not to help Ares. She was scared of him but he was still her blood. [quote=Sent][color=8f99fb][b]To: [color=#295751]Hati[/color] [/b] I wasn’t sure who to contact or what to do…Ares is missing. I usually would go to Athena for this but I can’t risk her showing up here. Do you think you could check in on this? See what you can dig up? A woman named Isabel showed up here and is worried for him. I might have used my powers and I’m not sure what she will do when she wakes up.[/color][/quote] That out of the way, she set to dial a number this time and knowing the goddess in her living room was going to be extremely upset if she found out what she was planning. Pasi waited on the line, waiting for the kind and gentle feminine voice on the other end. [color=8f99fb]”P-Psyche, I need a huge favor a-and I’m apologizing in advance for having to ask but this is important.”[/color] [/color]