[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221223/21c7511637f43b6840cd49343030bf28.png[/img][/Center] [Right]Current Location: Tamer Union[/Right][hr] It's another day in the digital world. People and digimon roam the streets, playing mobile games, buying things at stores, talking with friends, and of course, falling victim to the occasional scam artist. Yet not too far away from the main streets lies the local Tamer Union. An alliance of problem solvers made of many people and digimon. Lately, they've been overloaded with requests from people about an influx of bots posing as people, stealing and selling people's personal information, credit card numbers, selling shady programs, or spreading malware through shady links and websites. It's even gotten to the point where these bots are reporting fake problems, flooding the Tamer Union's inboxes and request forums. The Union's Tamers are running thin, and manpower is running low, as most have just been assigned to just clearing out the Union's inboxes of spam, or handling one of the many monotonous requests made by the victims of these bots. Fortunately for our local Union, a brand new pair of hires are here to lend a hand. In a small room just by the main entrance, [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/410301230821146624/1055644176487809134/dcb5857a1fc94042b6af9046cb6ca5bb.jpg]a lone, brown haired woman[/url] sat behind a desk, tending to a mountain of paperwork, likely false requests, and many pieces of mail. A tall Taomon stood nearby, organizing several documents into various filing cabinets, and pulling out files as requested. Both seemed mentally exhausted from their labors. Just then, a bell rang as the door at the front of the building opened, and a brown-haired boy stepped through, accompanied by a short but animated Lunamon, who always seemed to be playing with something, or otherwise grooming herself. The young man approached the front desk, the woman on the computer behind it clacking away at the keys at a surprising pace. [color=ed1c24]"Uh, Hello? My name is Joshua, I'm here to see Julia. I'm one of the new hires."[/color] The woman behind the desk let out a long sigh, though Joshua couldn't tell if it was from annoyance, exhaustion, or relief. She pointed to a set of chairs by the a door on the other side of the room. [b]"I'll let her know you're here. Go sit down and she'll come get you soon. Probably."[/b] Joshua turned towards the chairs, noticing the room was empty of others except for himself, his Lunamon, and the front desk lady. Nevertheless he made his way over to the chairs, His Lunamon, Rio, walking shortly behind. They both took their seats, Rio, swinging her short legs as they dangled off the ground, and Joshua leaning forward staring at the white tile floor as he began waiting for the door next to him to open.